9: Atlanta

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Jen's POV

"Josh, Josh?" I shake him awake.

"What?" he answers grumpily.

"We're leaving, the plane landed safely. We didn't crash," I tell him with a smile on my face.

"Great," he says sarcastically.

"Get your lazy A-butt up and gather your things, child," I almost yell at him. I was getting annoyed by his grumpy attitude plus I prefer not to leave him here. I think he agrees with the second thing.

Liam had already got the luggage in the cars with help from Willow, Elizabeth, and Woody. I was in charge of waking up Josh and getting Taylor prepared.

I help her put on the coat, sunglasses and finally her hat before lifting her in my arms. Josh had his backpack on before turning to look at me. He gave Taylor a sympathetic look at regarding her outfit, just to get off the plane. I take a deep breath before exiting the plane. The cameras flash in my eyes and the hot sun hits my arms as security weaves Josh, Taylor and I through the crowd.

They pull open a door to the second care which contained Liam and Willow scrunched in the back. I'm guessing that the others loaded in the other cars especially because they were going somewhere else.

We quickly jumped in and allowed security to drive us to the house we're staying at. Willow, Josh, Liam, and I are staying in the same house. We had the choice to stay in an apartment but since we'll be in and out together, we just decided to rent a big house with a pool. Plus than Willow's parents don't have to come out for the months she's filming, instead, Josh, Liam and I will fill in for them.

Woody and Elizabeth both stayed in houses, around the same neighborhood because they have family always visiting during the filming time so they wanted their own houses.

Upon arriving, we drop our bags in whatever room we wanted to claim ours. I didn't get much of a choice considering the only room with a crib was pretty big, I wasn't complaining.

We all quickly change into swimsuits before jumping into the pool. Luckily the house was fenced around completely. Like a brick fence around the whole house. There was a gate with a lock on it to keep strangers out.

Cannonballing into the pool, I relentlessly try to get Taylor in too. She sits right on the edge of the water like it is very new to her. I try to carry her in, I try to easily hand her to someone already in, I try to slowly wade in, I try even bobbing her lower half to get her to stay in the pool but she wanted to sit on the edge. Luckily Willow found this baby seat for her, and Taylor happily obliged to get in the pool with it.

Josh, Liam, Willow, and I decide to participate in a jumping contest. We needed a judge so we face timed in Sam and Jena for help Going in order youngest to oldest we all take turns, pulling out all the stops to show off to our fellow friends and cast mates. To be fair Willow probably did the best because she's actually a child and can do almost anything.

At the end of the contest, I place fourth because I got a few freakin drops on "Sam" and he wasn't so happy with that. He's a bit of an over dramatic guy and worst Jena agreed.

The grumbling in our stomachs finally becomes wired to our brains as the sun starts to set. We vote on Chipotle after inviting Elizabeth and Woody over. After placing our orders online, Josh runs to pick it up with the one car security gave us.

We all change into our pajamas before settling on the couch. Elizabeth and Woody just came over in normal clothes.

We all sat around the Family room talking when Woody spoke up, "Jen, where did Taylor come from?"

"Well, Woody when a woman and a man love each other...." I start to say sarcastically.

"No, Jen I meant where did you get her?" He practically shouts at me. I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"Well, one night she showed up at my doorstep, and it was late so she stayed with me that night. I just fell in love with her, so I adopted her," I say explaining.

"Ok," he replies shortly.

Finally, Josh comes back and hands out our orders before joining us in watching TV.


The next day we just hang out at the pool. We have races, competitions, and just try to flip each other off other floating things. Tomorrow we have to work, so today we relax.

Willow was peacefully lying on a floating mat. She was looking too relaxed, so I looked at Josh and pointed. He shook his head to show he knew what I meant. I was at the top, and Josh at the bottom. Willow had closed her eyes like three minutes ago.

"One," I whispered.

"Two," Josh muttered back.

"Three!" we both yelled. We flipped the mat upside down, as Willow opened her eyes. When she surfaced she looked really really angry, uh oh. I swam as fast as I could to the side, got out and ran to the kitchen.

I was hungry and Willow wasn't far behind. I just opened a bag of chips when she jumped on my back. I sat on the couch and she didn't let go. I tried to pry her off; I tried to toss her off, nothing worked. Liam came in, I jumped on is back and he stumbled around until he regained his balance. So it was Liam, me, and Willow walking around as one person.

When Taylor saw us she freaked out and ran away again. I jumped down and went to find her. Willow still didn't move; she just fixed her grip. She had wrapped her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. I have tried to bite her but that didn't work. So I just left her, I found Taylor, and wrapped my arms around her waist and pick her up, she screamed so loud, like she being killed or something, once she sees it is me she instantly stops and smiles.

Later that day, we play truth or dare, hide and seek and poker, but without money. I learned nothing from truth or dare. Taylor usually won hide and seek, because she can fit in small spaces we can't, and forget to even check sometimes. Liam lost a lot in hiding and seeks, he's too big. Poker was hard to learn, plus I always think of that movie I did called Poker House or the song Poker face. Let's just say it was a long day filled with multiple activities that include a lot of us being idiots. Eventually, 10:00 rolls around, and we all we to bed.

Taylor and I shared a bed; it was against a wall, so I slept on the side without the wall. Taylor tends to roll a lot. I put Taylor in a fuzzy baby blue shirt, and no pants but a diaper. I had my usually night clothes. We brushed out teeth, curled up and fell asleep in a matter of mins.

I am on a roll today 3 in one day. Wow! Well, either way, I will probably upload tomorrow. Anyway, thanks again for the support of this story. I have taken to account some suggestions which might be in the next few chapters. Please continue commenting, suggesting, and voting. It still means the world to me and it amazes me every time I get the notification that someone did that. Thanks so much.

Edited: 12-10-16

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