58: Comic Con 2015

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  •••IT'S July•••
Taylor's POV
Today we are in San Diego, California. For something called Comic-Con, we are with the some of the Mockingjay cast and some cast called X-men: Apocalypse.
I don't know the X-Men cast but mommy doesn't like someone on that cast. The way she talks about this Nick guy, tells me she hates him, I wonder why.
We are in the hotel room, tomorrow we had something called a panel to go to. Mommy climbs in a bed and I try to get in the same. I try putting my foot on the lower part of the bed but it's too tall. Mommy laughs and scoots over to the side of the bed where I am. She pulls me up by picking me up under my armpits. I dropped my blanket when she pulled me up. But she way quick after I was on the bed and reached down and grabbed the blanket, while hanging off the side of the bed. I crawled over to the opposite side from when she was pulling herself up.
"Here ya go," she hands me, my blanket.
"Thanwk you!" I shout back.
"Shh it's time for bed," she shushes me.
"No," I stand up, "it's time to be up."
"No honey let's sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow," she says setting me on her lap.
"Why can we be awake?" I ask looking up at her.
"One I am tired and two you need your rest we have a big day tomorrow. If you sleep now then you will see Willow and Josh quicker," she coaxes me to sleep.
"Ok," I say and slide off her lap.
"Good girl, goodnight Tay, I love you," she says laying her head down and facing me.
"Goodnight lowve you, mommy," I say and stir my eyes.
"Tay, Tay, it's time to get up," I hear my mommy whisper. I roll over and rub my eyes. I look up and see her smiling down at me.
"Morning honey, let's get dressed and go gets some breakfast down stairs," Mommy says.
"K," I tiredly stand up with my blanket and bear-bear in each hand. I reach my arms out for Mommy. She picks me up, I sit on he hip and let my legs dangle from each side. She walks to our suitcases, she has a black one and I have a light purple one with green polka dots. She pulls out my outfit. Which is pink leggings and a turquoise t-shirt with brown different size dots around the bottom of the shirt.
She then takes me to the bathroom. I get a warm bath without bubbles, not as fun.
"Ok let's get you dressed before my clothes get here," she takes me out of the bathtub. And wraps a big white towel around me. She rubs my arms frequently got try to warm me up. Then has me change in to my outfit, she has to help me a little with the short but I get it eventually. The is a knock on the door while we start brushing my hair.
"I'll be back," mommy says excusing herself. She comes back with an outfit in a bag thing and a lady I met 2 years ago around the award season.
"Hey Taylor, I'm Lauren, if you don't remember," she says with a small smile, I didn't remember at all. Sorry to Lauren.
"I'm going to go get dressed and showered, you want to help Taylor and her hair then she can watch TV," Mommy says disappearing in to the second bathroom.
"Do you want me to do you hair?" Lauren asks.
"Um sure, I guess," I say.
"Ok let's do a, a oh I have a great idea. You going to the Hunger games panel today so let's do a Katniss's braid or a Dutch side braid," she exclaims excitedly. I give her a confused look, I don't understand at all.
"Ok yeah, here turn around, wait first jump up on the counter," she says patting a empty spot on the counter.
"Can you help me?" I say struggling to go on the counter.
"Yeah sweetie," she lifts me up on the counter and brushed my hair then tugs and pulls on it.
She finishes and puts some pins in it then sprays it with this smelly stuff, but you can't get the smelly stuff in your eyes so I had to cover them. Lauren takes me off the counter and then asks me to turn around so she can take a picture for me to see. It looks amazing, I don't think mommy can braid that way though.
I watch Jake and the Neverland pirates, waiting for Mommy. When she comes out her and Lauren go in to the bathroom where Lauren did my hair. They come out again soon. Mommy has a black dress with her hair slightly pulled back and curled. She has heels on.
"Ready baby girl?" She ask me.
"Almost I need my shoes," I hop off the couch and go to the door when we left our shoes. I velcro them and stand there ready to go, before I remember my backpack. I run back to where the suitcases are and stuff my blanket and bear bear in the backpack. I put the backpack on my back, I turn and Mommy's laughing at me. I don't know why though.
"Ready now?" Mommy asks.
"Yeah!" I say and skip over to her.
"I'm going to go see you tomorrow morning," Lauren says slipping out the door.
"Ok well we have to go, you have everything? We are getting food on the way," she say bending down to my level and giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Yup let's go," I say.
We leave in the black car. We get McDonald's breakfast, and me extra food for snack. We arrive at Comic Con, right on time according to the guy in a suit. We make it on the carpet, it's white instead of red. Mommy said to stay with the guy in the suit who's carrying around my lunch and the rest of breakfast. I sit down off the side of the carpet where mommy is posing for pictures. I open my backpack and spread out my blanket, I set my bear-bear on it and sit down.
"Can I please have my breakfast?" I ask the man standing next to my blanket who is has my food.
"Yes miss Taylor here you go," he politely hands me my breakfast food in one of the two bags he has. I sit there and watch Mommy pose and talk to people who have camera and microphones. I finish my food and get up to throw the trash away. The trash can is only a few yards away, before I leave I ask, "can you guard my blanket and stuff, I'm going to go throw this away in the trash over there."
"Yes miss Taylor," then he steps closer to my stuff. I run over and drop the bag in the trash, then hurry back over to my blanket, to be intercepted by Joshy. He grabbed me and swung me around. I screamed in both happiness and discomfort. He set me down just as I knew he would. I like him but I don't want to be held by him.
"Hey Taylor, how's life? How's Jen? On another note how's little Logan?" He says being nosy.
"Good, great, good!" I say happily.
Joshy joins mommy on the carpet, I join the man in a suit. I spend the time greeting Willow, Francis, Liam, and another lady who works with Mommy.
They all talk and stuff.
I get bored and pack up my stuff. Then I happily jump down the carpet to where mommy is. When I run in to her leg she stumbles a bit but regains her balances, still talking to someone else.
Then she acknowledges me, "Hello Taylor, where's Bennett?"
"Who's Bennett?" I ask.
"The man watching you, silly," she looks around and see him coming over.
I stay with mommy and we go backstage for the panel, I think. I have to sit off to the side for both a panel and a press conference. I wanted sit with mommy. So about halfway though the panel, I happily climbed the stage. Smiling I ran over to mommy, who was trying to answer a question.
"And here comes unexpectedly Taylor Lawrence, Jennifer's Daughter," A man off to the side of Francis says.
"Hey honey, whatcha doing?" Mommy says and the audience laughs.
"I wanted to sit with you," I say standing next to her chair.
"Ok well come here," she lifts me on to her lap. The audience Awws and the panel continues. One question about me comes up, surprisingly.
"Can you tell people Taylor's story? Summed up?" Connan asks.
"Uh yeah, Jen would you like to start?" Joshy asks.
"Uh sure," mommy leans away from the microphone, "do you mind telling them what happen when she was two?"
"Sure, I can," Josh responds.
"Starting from February 13, 2013....." mommy starts telling the story of how we met. She leave out specifics and our special stories (memories) and that I have ADHD. Josh picks up on the day we found out I have mieries disease and skipping to the day I fell in a coma. Then when I woke up. And finally they skipped to today. At the end mommy was smiling down at me and all eyes were on me.
The panel continue and we went back to the hotel before the interview tonight.
Hey guys, we have 4K reads!!!!!!!!! I can't ever explain when I'm feeling. It's just, yeah. Thank you all, thank you 4K times.
Here's a long update. If you want I started another story, called Imagine the Impossible. It centers a set of twins and Taylor Swift. Please comment on it about what you think. Thanks.
What did you guys do in July 2015?
I volunteered at a Vacation Bible school and ate food. Also my family went camping by a freezing river.

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