46: Quick trust

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Taylor's POV
I wake up in my crib. In my room, my own. I get up walk around in the crib. A lady who I vaguely recall, comes in and takes me downstairs.
It just be late because my Mommy's up.
"Down, pleaswe?" I ask. She laughs but puts me on the ground. I go over to my mommy. I trick her in to picking me up and listen to their conversation.
"So Taylor what's new in your private life?" Mommy asks.
"Well.." The lady starts speaking for me I think, so I cut her off, "me?" I pointed at myself.
"No not you. My uh friend names is also Taylor," Mommy explained.
"Yeah so let's call you Tay or Taylor and me either swifty or swift," Swifty said. No I don't like that.
"Anything else?" I ask think how weird of a name that is.
"Ok. How about my middle name its Alison," Alison said.
"Ally?" I question if it's ok.
"I love it Tay," she says happily.
"Yeah it's cute. There's Tay, Will, Ally, Amanda, and Jen. Or if we go by middle names then it's Ann, Alison, Shrader and I don't know the girls last names," mommy points out.
"Wait whose Will," Willow asks.
"You ya," Mommy mutters something I can't quite make out, "I shortened Willow into Will, genius. Yup."
"Well that's just adorable, right Willow," Amandla nudges her.
"Sure," Willow says through gritted teeth.
"That's the spirit, now let's go out for breakfast cause I can't cook or I can't cook week enough for us to all eat," Mommy says.
"Sure, but I'm sorry for Taylor she has to eat your cooking," Willow says laughing and Amandla joins in.
"Hey!" My mom yells jokingly.
"I can make something for us all," we all turn heads to Ally.
"Really, that would be great. I didn't really want to change out of my sweatpants. Thank you so much, we can all help if you need it," my momma says.
"Sure, I can make French toast," ally stands up from the barstool and walks into the kitchen.
"I need some eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, bread, a frying pan, a spatula, and a whisk," Ally says looking around.
"Ok, I can get that stuff. If I have it," my mom says putting me down, I don't go. I don't want to be put on the ground.
"Here I can take her while you get the stuff," Ally walks over and my mom hands me over. I was about to scream but Ally is so comforting and nice to me.
My mom gets the stuff out and Ally puts me in the high chair, which is starting to getting a little small. I watch begin to make breakfast. She whisks the eggs, cinnamon, and vanilla together. Then dips the bread in the mix. Finally cooks both sides of the bread.
"Ok, Breakfast is ready girls!" Ally yells. She makes me a plate and brings the high hair by the table. Breakfast was delicious. I need her to come over more. We all eat not talking much.
Mommy takes Willow and Amandla home, while Ally watches me. We play with the Legos. I get tired around 3, when we were watching a movie. I don't know what though. I just doze off.

Taylor swift (Ally according to Taylor Lawrence) POV
Jen had to drop the other girls off. They sleep over I think cause of me. They are so nice. They were mainly off by themselves today, cause I was just talking or watching crap with Jen. Jen is so funny and has everything you need for a perfect friend.
It was just me and Taylor. We were watching Cinderella. Disney version. I was watching and I looked down every so often. One time I looked down, she was asleep. We were snuggled up on the couch. She was on my lap with her baby blanket I guess it had her name on it. I wonder if it her's from Jen or her birth parents. Taylor reminds me of Austin, my brother. Her beautiful brown eyes, smile and lovely sprit.
I finish the movie and turn on NCIS on Netflix.
"I'm home," Jen yells.
"Shh Taylor is sleeping," I say in a normal voice.
"Ok sorry Tay, what are we watching?" She says jumping on the couch.
"NCIS," I say turning back to the tv. Jen quietly watches not interrupting to talk at all. Went the episode finishes she gets up to get food, I guess.
I hear her talking and I guess it's not food it's a boyfriend by the tone of her voice. When she gets off the phone. I get up and scoot Taylor over so she's laying on the couch.
"Soooo who was that?" I ask getting nosy.
"My boyfriend," she says in a sweet voice.
"Who's that?" I say digging deeper.
"I won't say, till you guess correct," she says stubbornly.
"Fine, I will make a list later," I say with a fake sad face. I can't hold it long so we both end up laughing. And accidentally waking up Taylor. Taylor comes in to the kitchen where we were.
"Hi," she says with a small smile.
"Hi, baby girl. How was your nap?" Jen asks picking her on setting her on her hip.
"Good," Taylor says. I glance at the clock and notice it's almost 5:00pm.
"Ok I should be going. I've been here all day," I say getting up to get my stuff.
"Want to come to dinner with us before I drive you home?" Jen asks while looking at Taylor who was making funny faces.
"Sure, let me get my stuff before we go," I say going to the living room to get it.
"Ok I'll get Taylor and me ready," Jen calls back. I hear footsteps and giggling which makes me smile.
"Ok we are ready Ally," Taylor says as I pick up a backpack.
"Not yet Tay, you need to find you coat and I need to find you backpack," Jen says.
"Ok I go look," Taylor say skipping off.
"Alright, I have to find the backpack I don't remember where I put it when we got back," Jen says walking around.
I find a backpack in Taylor's room, it's purple with white cursive letters that say Taylor. I guess this is it.
"I found it, I think," I yell from the top of the stairs.
"Ok we found the coat, let's go, after I stuff so crap in that backpack," Jen yells coming up the stairs. She puts in a blanket, 3 stuff animals, and a bag with liquid medicine.
We decide to go out to Chili's. It was delicious, I had a burger, Jen too, and Taylor had kids chicken fingers. Jen and I fought over the bill we ended up spilling it. We couldn't agree on someone.
Then she dropped me off at my house. We both said that we should hangout again soon. I am suppose to be in LA soon so we will have to play it by ear. She has my number and me hers.
I can't help think that I know Taylor in another way then just running in to her at the park.

I have an idea that's gonna take a lot of chapters to reveal so keep reading of you want to know.
We have over 200 votes which is amazingly awesome, thanks so so much.
What was do you think both Taylor's are also connected by? In other words, what way can they be connected that's not running in to each other at the park?

Found On the DoorstepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora