28: The Family day

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Cody above: Bear Lawrence wearing Jen's hat.

Carlie's POV

Yesterday we stayed over at Ben's parents' house, cause his sister was in town. She is a spontaneous blast of fun. She blurts anything out and doesn't hold back at all. Sometimes I wish we were blood related. Also bonus she has a beautiful daughter. At first I was like how was she pregnant without no one knowing or noticing, cause she is in public eye a lot. Yes, she is famous. Back to her daughter, who is adorable. She is like Cody's best friend, even though he is older. She turned 2 in August and he turns 3 this coming January. 

Right now we are going shopping, Jen, Taylor, Ben's Mom, Cody, and me. Yeah it was going to be all girls but they are inseparable. So Whatever. 

We go to The Children's Place, we get each of them a few outfits. I get my enthusiastic son, some overalls, church clothes, and a minion shirt. Taylor get a dress and some nice outfit, cause we all know if Jen has paparazzi following her, then with Taylor there's a lot more. Taylor sucks with paparazzi, because they are scary to her, they are like the monsters under you bed, according to Jen. But she can be a little over the top sometimes. As we were walking by the food court, Jen asks "Mom, can we have food yet?"

"No, we will get some later." Karen says. 5 mins later.

"How about now?" Jen asks again.

"No," Karen says sternly.

"Why?" Jen asks.

"Because your father is making us a giant dinner, and you need to eat it," Karen says getting angry.

"Fine," Jen says annoyed, "but I always eat." She mutters under her breath, I can barely hear it though just enough to make it out. I silently laugh my head off.

"Mommy?" Cody asks.

"What buddy?"

"Can we go to the Lego store?" Cody asks, while swinging our hands.

"Sure let's get the rest of them rounded up," I say pulling him toward Taylor.

"Come on Taylor let's go get grandma," Cody says.

"Alright, you too. Stay together," I say letting go of my son's hand. And they run off to find her. Now time to find Jen. 

I search the women's department, dressing rooms, registers, and the whole store. I finally give up and walk back to the kids and Karen.

"Did you find her?" Karen asks me.

"No not yet, I want to check one other place. You guys go to the Lego store, I will meet you there," I say and the walk off in that direction. I leave the store shortly after and head to the food court. Just as I step over on to the tile of the food court, I see Jen eating some snack. I quickly go to her.

"What are you doing?" I say in to her ear creepily.

"Nothing," she says as she jumps.

"Really, I though you weren't supposed to have food."

"I know but I was starving. Plus if you know me well you know I will eat always," Jen says.

"Yup, but if you want this to be quiet, you need to do two things."


"One buy me a small milkshake, two buy something in the store we were just in for an alibi."

"Ok, here's 5 dollars. And already done," she says as she holds up the bag with some clothes in it.

"Great, I will be back," I say and got order a milkshake from some fast food place.
"Here you go ma'am." The lady says and hands me my shake. 

"Thank you," I leave and go back to Jen, good thing she didn't leave. 

"Alright let's go," I say, and we head towards the Lego store. I quickly drink the shake, but Jen's "helps" or we'll just keeps asking for some, it's more like splitting it, but I am fine with it. Before we make it to the view of the store, we stop and chug as much as we can, so all of it, throw it away and walk in the store. 

"Mommy," Taylor says running toward Jen. 

"Hey baby, did you find anything?" Jen says.

"Yup," she says pull Jen away.

Jen mouths to me "good luck" cause Cody was nowhere in sight. 

Once I find him playing with Legos that are set out to fill a cup with and buy. But he was building a spaceship maybe. Perfect, I think, now I have to figure out how to get him to leave. Alright let's think, what does he love equally or more then Legos. Um, food, no um, a, well. Oh I know, stuff animals and Build-a-Bear Workshop is very close to here. 

"Cody, let's go get you a new stuff animal," I say trying to sweet talk him. He was busy making his spaceship sounds. 3 more tries and nothing. I go and get Jen and she yells at him jokingly "Hey yo, Cody, let's go get you a bear." He instantly came. Hand in hand with me, Jen, Karen, and Taylor. 

We got there and Jen, Taylor, and Cody get an animal. Jen has a monkey, Cody a dog, and Taylor a giraffe. We get sounds, stuffing, and an outfit. It was fun seeing Jen do all of this. She was very specific about the outfit and her "wish."(a/n if you haven't been to this store. You put a "heart in the animal with a wish.)

Also she cared more than I thought about the name. 

She picked Jo-jo, Taylor picked Liam according to her Liam is a giraffe and Cody picked sparky.
We went home after that, we had a big steak dinner. We raked and played competitively. Well the adults. Girls win in Wii play. Then we went home. And all slumped up to bed.

What did you think? Thanks do much for reading, commenting, and voting. Thanks for answering the QC. 

What was the name of rite favorite stuff animal when you were little(if you are older?
My answer is my old favorite stuff animal, Cutie.

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