19: Logan

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Logan is Logan Moreno. I don't know his parent's names so I made them up.

Jen's POV

Currently, we are on our flight back from Asia for the last Catching Fire Premiere in LA. Me being the creepy lady I am, I happened to glance at the most adorable little boy on this flight. We were in sitting in business class because we decided our management deserves to be in first class. Taylor was sleeping in between Josh and me. The little boy's mom catches my eye one and her jaw just dropped.

"Hi," I say calmly.

"Oh hi," she responses shaking the famous-ness out of the conversation.

"Is that your son?" I ask glancing his way.

"Um. Uh. Yeah, that's little Logan," she says nervously.

"I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jen," I say reaching out and shaking her hand.

"Oh, I'm Rebecca and that is my husband Brenton," she says pointing to a half asleep father.

"This is my daughter Taylor and that's my costar, Josh," I introduce them, considering they are both asleep.

"How old is Taylor?" Rebecca asks making conversation.

"Turned two last august. What about Logan?" I reply.

"That's a nice age. Logan will be three this coming Januarary," she says as both Josh and Taylor begin to stir after their five-hour nap.

"It's about tme," I joke looking at josh,

"Huh?" he says still sleepy.

"You slept forever," I complain.

"Sorry, miss I can't wait to see my cat I hope she didn't eat my stuff," Josh mocks.

"Shut up, Josh," I laugh.

"Its Joshy, Mama," Taylor says sternly

"Yeah, it's Joshy," Josh reinforces.

"Okay, don't get angry," I laugh at them.

"Remember it's Joshy," Josh says again.

"Shut up, broken record," I laugh.

"Wow, that was actually pretty good," he high fives me.

"Arwe we home now?" Taylor asks.

"Very soon," I say, moving her seatbelt so she could move around more. She carefully moves over me and into the aisle. "Hey, Tay? Come here," I say lifting her on my lap.

"What?" she says looking up at me.

"Taylor, you want to meet Rebecca?" I ask, noticing that her sweet happy family was waking up. Not due to my loud conversation with Josh at all. Plus maybe Taylor and Logan can become friends.

"Yeah?" she says even though I know for sure she has no idea who I'm even talking about

"Hey, Rebecca. This is Taylor, Taylor this is Rebecca," I say motioning back and forth.

"Hi, how are you Taylor," Rebecca asks.

"Good," she says happily.

"This is Logan," Rebecca says setting him on her lap, "Logan this is Taylor."


We fly home the kids just talk, I only half understand, most words were slurred together or gibberish, but they both seemed to understand. It like their own language. I give Rebecca my phone number, saying maybe the kids could have a play date eventually.

We get off the plane and get our bags from baggage claim. I have Taylor on my hip, arm under her butt supporting her and bag on my hand. On the other I am dragging the suitcase, with a portable car seat attached to it. Josh has Taylor's bag and his bags.

This all happens while the herd of our dearest friends, not, follow us. We stop and take pictures and sign autographs for fans, eventually we have the car in site. I spend 15 dam mins putting the car seat back in, it's a stupid piece of shit, but it protects Taylor, so I deal with it. We drive and drop Josh off, then go home.

We get inside, and collapse on the couch after I drag everything inside. We must have fallen asleep, I was cuddled up with Taylor in my arms and a fuzzy blanket I wrapped up in right before I fell asleep. Taylor had her baby blanket and her bear-bear; the rest was in her backpack.

I know this is kinda lame, I need a filler. Thanks to @ChocoChopPancakes . I am out of my writers block slump. Thank you do much for reading, commenting, and voting. It really helps me want to continue and it makes me feel supported. Please keep commenting, vote, and continue reading. Of course.

Edited: 9-8-16

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