55: I knew her

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Btw: It's still March.
Austin Swift's POV
I knew that little girl, Taylor. I must have known her. I don't know how or where I met her but I know her. Her singing voice is so familiar and her big brown eyes remind me of someone. I just need time to remember. And time to learn more.
Taylor swift's POV
I'm getting ready for my 1989 tour, which starts in May. We still have rehearsal, preparation, promotion, and lots of stuff left.
We were in the middle of New Romantics when my phone rang. I waited to finish the song, since we had been rehearsing for 2 hours with one break. I decided for all of us to take a 30 minute break. I check my phone and it's Austin. I call him right back.
"Hey, sorry we were in the middle of rehearsing New Romantics," I say happily in to the phone.
"Hi, sorry," he answers but kinda glumly.
"What did you need?"
"I was wonder what you think of Taylor,"
"No, little Taylor,"
"Just answer,"
"Ok I think she's amazing, she kind, she's overcome a lot for being just 3, she's smart, what else? Oh and did you see her sing enchanted and that tangled song on YouTube?"
"Yeah you sent it to everyone you know,"
"Oh right,"
"I just have a feeling that she is Her,"
"Her, you mean Her Her?"
"Yeah Her Her, the one we have been looking and waiting for,"
"Well we can't know until we know more, but you have to promise not to take her from Jen, Jen has been through so much for that little girl,"
"Yeah I promise,"
"You swear?"
"Yeah I swear to God,"
"Ok, But why would she name her, my name. I mean Jen told me Taylor came with a note that had her birthday, first and middle name and it said it was from Taylor's biological Aunt,"
"Oh so maybe not, well let's just wait we can figure it out, will you help me,"
"Ok course dude,"
"Thanks, sorry to interrupt your rehearsal,"
"It's fine, see you around Easter love you bye,"
"Love you too, bye"
We both hang up and I continue with rehearsal. The her problem is in the back of my mind all day long though.
Guessing game!
Who is her?
Who is she?

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