51: Preschool

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Jen's POV
I was thinking about what life could have been without the coma problem. When I realized that 3 year olds should be in preschool, but I can allow Taylor to go to a preschool. I am worried she will be bullied and she isn't potty trained. I called David and told him about it. He has a bio-polar son so maybe he can help me calm my nerves.
"Hello," he says.
"Hey this is Jen,"
"Yeah I knew that,"
"Ok, so I need a solution,"
"To what?"
"Well I was thinking and then I realized that Taylor should have been in Preschool this year, right?"
"How old is she?"
"She's three,"
"Really I thought she was only 2,"
"No that year she was in the coma and it kinda stunted her growth,"
"Ok, well we could talk to Isabelle's tutor,"
"Ok can he work with Taylor?"
"Maybe ask him tomorrow,"
"Ok, thanks see you tomorrow," I say before hanging up.
I have been filming for about half a month, it's almost Easter. Yay! Last year I did nothing, the year before I think we were filming or hanging out with friends. Doesn't matter this year we are celebrating it properly.
I have bought some plastic eggs, Easter bunny stuff, and much more. But. Easter is on April 5 and it's not for another 2 weeks.
"What time is it," I said to myself.
"Oh it's past dinner time, shit, oops," I said out loud hopefully Taylor didn't hear me.
"Taylor, Taylor," I shouted through our tiny apartment.
"Yup, I am coming," she yelled for somewhere.
"What do you want for dinner?" I asked.
"Uh, food. No, cookies," she said smiling at the cookies idea.
"Cookies after dinner but what type of food?" I asked hoping for a real answer.
"Hot dogs and Mac and cheese," she said.
"Ok, with some watermelon?" I asked, cause it sounded really good at the moment, plus it's her favorite fruit.
"Yeah!" She yelled back.
"Ok, do you want to help me?"
"No, I busy," she said being brutally honest, I think.
"What are you up to?"
"Playing a game," she said before going off to her room. Well ok, that's fine.
Ok to make Mac and cheese, I need to follow the directions and I also need a pan for the hot dogs.
I get down two sauce pans, fill then both with water, 6 cups for the Mac and cheese, and a random amount for the hot dogs. The I put in four hot dogs, but don't turn on the stove yet. I can't cook from scratch but I can follow directions. The water boils for the Mac and Cheese, then I add the noodles, I leave the cheese sauce aside for Taylor to make. I set a timer for about 9 mins for the noodles.
Once the noodles are down to about 5 minutes I turn on the Hot Dog water to boil them. Then I turn on some music.
Taylor's POV
I want to give my mom something special. So I was playing on my I-pad and I-pod, I found this microphone app that records everything, so I started to mess around with it. I remember my mom saying how she used to listen to me sing, each night when I wasn't with her. So I recorded me singing varies song that were in my I-Pad. I would press record on my iPod, have my head-phones on from the I-Pad and sing to the songs out loud. My mom left the stuff hooked up so it was easy to do this. And I found it from randomly pressing on the screen.
Jen's POV
Once the noodles were done, I called Taylor to come stir the sauce. She happily came skipping in. I picked her up and set her on a bar stool, that was opposite from me on the island in the kitchen. It was a small kitchen but just big enough for us.
"All done," she said lifting the fork out.
"Ok, stay here and in two minutes we will eat," I said then poured sauce in, added some shredded cheese, heated it up to melt the cheese a little. I then out the hot dogs in down buns, the pulled the Mac&Cheese off the stove. I dished it up and took Taylor to the table. Recently I bought a booster chair for that table. It's smaller and compact, plus it's easier, then having to find an apartment with baby stuff. I set her in that and buckled the only strap around her. The seat is buckled to the cHair so it won't move. I go and get out plates, and we eat.
After dinner, I clean up with Taylor's help, she carried some stuff to the sink for me.
Then we watched one tv show before bed. We watched some show called Sofia the Princess. It's ok if your under the age of 5. After the show, I got up, and took Taylor back to her room. I changed her into pajamas. They were a t-shirt and shorts that had the frozen characters on them. Then I made her use the bathroom, we don't really have candy, but we made a list of how many she deserves so when we go shopping again we can pick up some. Then I make sure she brushes her teeth, I undo her the ponytail in her hair. Then I tuck her in the toddler bed that was in the apartment, it's not like the one we bought it's a white and purple with higher railings.
"Goodnight Taylor, I love you,"
"Goodnight Mommy, I lovwe you too," she says before closing her eyes. I close the door. Then I get ready and go to bed.
The next day I talked to the tutor and he said yes, Taylor is now going to learn one on one, maybe with the girls but not the same curriculum. This tutor can help her learn better than a school because she will be focused on better.
Qc: I need a short term idea. I have to wait on this long term idea. But j really need something for short term. So any ideas?
Please Private message me or Direct message(I don't know what people call it)

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