47: Never Grow Up

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Jen's POV
We are getting ready for lunch with Taylor before she leaves for New York.
I just got dressed. I was putting on my shin high boots, before hunting down Tay.
"Tay!" I called through the house.
"Yeah, I am here" she calls back. I follow her voice to her room. I walk in and she is playing on her iPad.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Playing a game," she says standing up.
"Ok well let's get dressed and go see Ally," I only say Ally when Tay is close by because it will confuse her.
"Yay!" She says jumping up and down.
"Yup, now let's get you dressed," I say walking in to the closet. I find some jeans and a green shirt that has a butterfly on it.
"How's this?" I ask.
"Great!" She says, I can tell she is really hyped up.
"Ok calm down. Come here so I get these on you," I say and she comes over running into me. I almost fall over, but I caught myself with my hands.
Once we get her dressed, brush our teeth, do our hair, get her shoes on, and grab my purse and her bag we are surprisingly right on time.
"Let's go," I say and we walk out the door. We pull up to Inside And Out Burger where we planned to meet. Taylor is already there, with a boy. Ooo, this is gonna be good. I walk in with Taylor, my Taylor, on my hip. She is hugging her backpack and looking for "Ally" or Taylor Swift.
"Hey, so this is my brother Austin. He came out to hang out with his awesome sister me," Taylor(S or swift) says pointing to herself with both hands. We all laugh, then order. Once we get the food to go we all go to the park, where we met.
We find a picnic table and dig in to the food. I eat respectfully, and so does Taylor, thankfully. I couldn't help but remember that Taylor(L) doesn't have her memory back fully and I wouldn't of been as close to Taylor Swift if I hadn't let Taylor play tag in the night. And I almost forgot about the memory thing. We will have to review that later. We eat, talk, and laugh for hours till we notice people around the park are starring and taking pictures. Dam it, one lunch outside one whole lunch without people trying to get pictures. I look to see a fear paralyzed Taylor. I instantly pick her up and we clean up.
Once we finish throwing away the trash we take a fast walk to the car. I ask if we would like to go shopping. And they all said yes, except Taylor(L) was busying not paying attention. We decide to meet at the mall.
I get Taylor loaded in the car and we head off to the mall. I was online last night after Taylor when to bed, researching parenting crap. Turns out she is supposed to start potty training and be sleeping in a toddler bed. I was supposed to transition her when she was two but she was in a coma that year, so that obviously didn't happen. But today we are gonna go get a new bed and stuff for potty training. I think Taylor(S) is just gonna tag along with her brother or they can shop on their own. I just need to get this stuff.
We park relatively close to the door and wait for Taylor(S) to park next to us. She parks, and hops out. Then opens my passenger door a crack.
"Hey, can I get Taylor out?" She asks.
"Uh sure, I'll get the bags," I say opening my door. I grab the bags we always have. I get to where the rest were standing around. And we head in the mall doors.
We shop through each store that sells beds and stuff. I get pull ups, underwear, and more crap for potty training from target. We decide on some white low to the ground bed. After a couple hours we get tired of shopping, we all go back to my house. Austin helps me bring in the box that has the bed stuff, I can get Liam or Josh to help me again with it.
"Ok let's do something here," Austin says on our way back to the Taylors.
"Sure what?" I ask.
"I don't know," Austin says as we walk in to the living room.
"Hey Tay want to help me get your Legos?" I ask my Taylor(L).
"Yeah," she says taking my hand and we go up to her room.
"Here carry this," I say handing her a tiny tub of the big Lego blocks. I take the big one. And we walk together back to the living room.
"Yay, I love Legos," Austin cheers.
"Really?" I question his child filled cheer.
"Yeah Austin was obsessed with them. And still is," Taylor says.
"Ally? Will you help me?" Taylor(L) asks.
"Sure sweetie," Taylor(S) says sitting down.
"Who's Ally?" Austin asks.
"Your sister," I say not caring to explain.
"What?" Austin says with a what the hell look on his face.
"Yeah, we have two Taylors but it confused Taylor Ann and we tried nicknames like swifty, or Tay but she didn't like that. So your sister suggested her middle name, Alison. And Taylor wanted to call her Ally short for Alison," I explain.
"Ok that makes more sense," Austin says joining in the Lego building. We build cars, houses, people, robots, and random things.
About 2 hours later, which isn't much of a record, cause Taylor(L) didn't stick around the whole time. She ran off and did her own thing. She must have stayed on the main floor because I put up the baby gates.
"So do you guys have to go or want to stay just for dinner, because I know you flight is tomorrow in the early morning and yours is the late morning," I ask Taylor and Austin.
"Sure, unless we have to go Taylor," Austin says.
"We don't," Taylor says with a smile.
"Yay Ally can stay!" Taylor(L) says coming in to the kitchen.
"Yup, honey," Taylor(S) says picking Taylor up.
"Let's watch a movie," I say going to the couch.
"What's for dinner mommy?" Taylor(L) asks when Taylor(S) sits on the couch with her.
"How about Pizza?" I say happily. Taylor(L) smiles and nods.
"Ok, is that fine Austin, Ally?" I want to make sure that they didn't just eat pizza.
"Yeah that's fine," Austin says for both of them.
"Ok I'll order cheese, and what else?"
"Pepperoni, please," Taylor(S) says.
"Yeah that's fine, I love cheese!" Austin says.
"Alright I'll be right back," I says and go to another room to call them.
I come back and I guess they decided on Peter Pan. I walk in and join them on the couch. It's Austin, Taylor(S), Taylor(L), and me; left to right if you are facing the Tv.
In the middle of the movie, pizza get here and we all eat on paper plates in the family room.
At the end of the movie, Taylor swift starts singing, Never Grow Up that reminds me of Taylor(L) singing on New Years when we were celebrating 2014 coming. Towards the end of the song, I can see Taylor's eyes light up as if she is remembering.
"I think I have heared that song before," she says walking over form where she was eating pizza on the floor.
"Really, do you know where?" Taylor(S) asks.
"Nope but that's why I like you, I know you from somewhere," Taylor(L) says hugging Taylor(S). I watch them for a while.
"I know," I squeak out.
"What did you say?" Taylor(S) asks me probably cause she couldn't hear me.
"I said I know, I know why," I says confidently.
"Wait what? How does she know my voice?" Taylor(S) asks eager for me to explain.
"Well, Taylor loves your voice and songs. When I was gone at a premiere in New York for American Hustle and I came back, Blaine my brother said the only way for her to sleep was to sleep to the song New Grow Up. It's was her favorite song. And for Christmas, I got her more of your music and stuff like that. On New Years she was singing the song, when she could barely talk right. I have it on my phone. When she was in the coma for a year, I used to watch that video and others of her. It was the longest year, I've ever had," I say now that I am in tears, remembering the days I got up alone, ate alone, and never planted a really smile on my face. The year I missed her birthday and didn't even try to celebrate mine.
"Can I see it?" Taylor(L) asks innocently.
"Yeah, baby. You get my phone from the table over there," I say pointing and wiping the tears out of my eyes. Taylor(S) comes over and give me a big and long hug. Taylor(L) comes back with the phone, trying to open it.
"Well don't disable it," I say laughing a little.
"Oh sorry," she says handing it to me.
"Ok it's 0813. Your birthday, silly," I type it in and go to the photos app. I pull Taylor(L) on my lap and she snuggles close with her blanket, she pickup on the way back from the walk to my phone. Taylor(S) scoots over closer to me and Austin stands behind the couch leaning over my shoulder. I press play. Every so often through the song Taylor(L&S) look at me, as if checking to make sure I am ok. We watch it over and over till one time, Taylor(L) says the words I have been waiting for forever.
"I remember, I love you Mommy." I give her a hug and a kiss. She remember, a few tears of happiness break but that's all. We are together with the memories of the wonderful times we have had.
I know I didn't update much this weekend. I am on a hunting trip. So I was either to tired or had no cell service/Wifi. Sorry, but I killed my first antelope/animal.
This is the 50th update counting the 3 authors notes I have updated. So I saved the moment for now.
Happy 50th update, right?
What song(s) are you most connected to?
In A Song-Hunter Hayes
I Want Crazy-Hunter Hayes
Never Grow Up- Taylor Swift
The Other Side of the Door- Taylor Swift
Flashlight- Hunter Hayes
Luck-American Authors
And a ton others but it would take me like forever to list them all.

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