11: Hawaii

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••Two months Later••

Jen's POV

After a long two months of shooting in Atlanta, Taylor and I board a flight to Hawaii with the cast and crew. The rest of the cast joined us during the second quarter of shooting for the cornucopia. We shoot for about three months there before wrapping the filming side of Catching Fire. 

While Taylor takes a nap we have a loud argument over what we are doing when we get to Hawaii. In Hawaii, Josh, Sam, Jena and I are sharing a house because we became close friends during training and stuff like that.

"What should we do when we get there?" Josh asks.

"Eat and sleep," I reply.

"Swim," Sam joins in.

"I agree with Jen, we have a big time change, we should sleep it off," Jena adds.

"Ok, fine. Josh and I  will go swimming, while you people sleep," Sam says clearly irritated.

"No, I am tried. I'm definitely getting some sleep in," Josh says with a fake yawn.

"Fine, I guess I will have to sleep. Because swimming is no fun without someone else," Sam states with a pouty face.

After landing, we hurry through the airport into the cars and towards our lovely beach house. I still haven't publicly announced Taylor to the world, so they call her the mystery child. I am planning to do it on the press tour for Catching Fire or American Hustle.

When we arrive at the giant beach house, we hurry to get out before thanking the driver. I drag the car seat, Taylor's suitcase, my suitcase and out carry-ons up to the door. Taylor tries her best to balance her three stuffed animals while climbing the stairs to the door. 

Everyone claims their rooms before unpacking. I put Taylor down for a nap, before getting a snack. I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up the clock said it was seven at night. 

"Mommy?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah honey," I reply.

"Can we eat?" she looks up at me hungrily.

"Yeah," I get up, "What do you want to eat?"

"I no know food, pleawse," she smiles sheepishly.

"Ok let's go to the kitchen," I say grabbing her off the bed.

I walk downstairs to find Jena and Josh in the living room playing checkers.

 After giving her a bowl of dried Froot loops, I suggest, "Hey, let's wake up Sam."

"Ok, we will make it a game, whoever wakes him up gets 5 dollars," Josh adds.

"Alright, but youngest first," Jena says.

"Yay! Me first," Josh yells.

"No, Taylor first, idiot," Jena shot back at him.

"Oh yeah, I knew that," he laughs.

"Come on, let's go," I say shifting Taylor to my other hip. We sprint up the stairs until we're right outside his room. I set Taylor down quietly, take her bowl of cereal and hand it to Jena, before putting my finger over my mouth to tell her to be quiet.

I motion to her to wake him up than we let her loose in his spotless room. She runs over and tries to get on the bed, but continues to fail. I help her up and hurry back to the doorway where the others stand.

She playfully hits his face a few times but he doesn't even move. She finally screams an ear piercing scream making us all cover our ears. 

"What the h... Hi," Sam says startled. Taylor just stays still as he looks at her questioning probably the same thing we are all; how did she make such a loud sound?

"Well, Taylor you get five bucks," Josh says giving her the five dollar bill.

"Thwank you," Taylor replies with a small smile.

"I didn't even get a turn," Josh pouts. Taylor didn't care, though, she'd already jumped down and ran to retrieve her food.

"Crap, I forgot to give her her medicine," I say turning to find her but she was already gone.

"What medicine," Sam asks curiously.

"She's got ADHD," I say quickly.

"That explains a lot," Josh says, "did they test you too?"

"No,  shut up," I hit his shoulder.

Thanks so much for viewing, commenting, and voting. Please continue to do so. Suggestions for boy names are needed.

Edited: 12-17-16

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