8: Flying

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Taylor's POV

I woke up to mommy, gently shaking me awake, and whispering my name. I opened my eyes to my mommy with a giant smile on her face.

"Good morning," she says.

"Mornwing, mommy,"  I answer now that I'm so smart and I know that it's morning now and last night was night.

"Okay, time to get dressed and eat and pack your carry on before we leave," she says lifting me out of my warm bed. 

"Otay," I answer as she picks out my outfit before changing me.

"Alright all done, time for breakfast," Mommy answers setting me on the ground. I was wearing overalls with a striped pink and white shirt and some crocs. I hurry downstairs and into the kitchen. 

"Okay, Flash what do you want for breakfast?" Mommy asks trying to make a joke, I think. 

"I no know," I shrug my shoulders. 

"Alright how do leftovers sound?" she asks opening the fridge. 

"Yeawh!" I agree. 

Jen's POV

After breakfast, I clean up the kitchen while Taylor plays in the family room about thirty feet away. 

"Alright, Taylor?" I call. 

"What?" she says running to the kitchen with some legos in hand. 

"I'm gonna go pack your carry on. Do you wanna help?" I ask. 

"Yeawh." She jumps up and down. 

"First we need to pick up your toys," I say taking her hand and heading down towards the family room.


I pack her bag with a few stuffed animals and some essentials like sippy cups and stuff. Then I pack my bag with my phone, I-Pad, book, and my laptop. I add some snacks and other stuff, I probably won't need before setting them by the door.  

I quickly change into some jeans and a white shirt, with some boots before putting on a light layer of makeup. By that time we have to go, I gather Taylor and our stuff before locking the doors and turning off the lights. 

We make a quick stop at the pharmacy before picking up Josh, Willow, and Liam. Once we were all squished in my little car, it was a traffic filled drive to the airport. 

After parking, we grab our bags out of the back, I help Taylor out before getting her car seat. I love the new one because it comes with wheels, that work. Now I can pull her through the airport without bringing a stroller. 

I carefully wrap her in her blanket before slipping on a pair of sunglasses and a hat on her face and head.  I take my suitcase from Liam along with my carry on. Josh and Liam gladly helped me with Taylor's stuff.  I give the keys to my security guard so he can drop my car off at my house. It's a precaution my management want's me to do. We all stroll through the airport, meet up with the rest of the group, Francis, Elizabeth, and Woody. Sam, Jena, and Jeffery will meet us later in the filming schedule.  

When we get to the security gates, I get Taylor out of the car seat so she can go through the metal detector. I let Liam and Josh go through first so that Taylor would have a familiar face on the other side. I walk through and start putting her shoes back on before getting myself situated. With some help, we all made it to the gate on time. 

It took a good three to four hours but we made it. The main slow down was the paparazzi. They followed us like lost ducks. It was so nerve racking and annoying, but I'm so glad we're in a private gate. 

"Alright, time to board everything's ready," a short man called us  to follow him. We each hand our big suitcases to the workers to store on the bottom of the plane before boarding the plane. I carry Taylor up the steps while Liam gives the car seat to the workers. 

We all get seated and buckled while they crew does last minute checks. 

"I hope our plane doesn't crash," I mutter under my breath so only I can hear it. If I say it there isn't really a chance of that happening. It works every time.

Please keep doing what you are doing. Your support really inspires me to upload more quickly. Thank you for like the millionth time. I can't believe about 25 people read each chapter. Also 3 months till The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 is released. I can't wait. Please comment and vote. Any suggestions?

Edited: 12-10-16

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