4: Meet the cast

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Btw: Elizabeth Banks is not in this picture. Plus Jeffery and Lenny aren't in this chapter but is as close as I can get with a cast picture.

Jen's POV

I fell out of bed this morning when heard a terrifying wailing noise. Coming to my senses , I realized it was my one-year-old daughter. Daughter, that makes me smile and worth it to get up at this ungodly hour. It's seven-thirty AM and I'm up. I trudge down the hall to Taylor's room and open the white door to reveal a cheek tear stained face looking back at me.

After she recognized me, she started making those grabby hands for me. I quickly lifted her out from behind the child's prison, her crib. She immediately calmed down once in my arms. I checked her diaper before heading downstairs for some early morning cartoons.

Sinking back into the couch, I press the red power button on the TV remote. Taylor starts to make a frowny face or in other words starts to cry again.

"No, no, no, It's okay, can you use your words," I say quickly.

"Milky?" she says. Well that's a new word, I haven't heard from her.

"Milk? You want some milk?" I say jumping into action and heading towards the kitchen. She nods laying her head on my chest.

"Here, you want this?" I ask handing her a sippy cup of milk. Heading back to the family room and taking a seat on the couch, we drown ourselves in reality tv. I'm pretty sure I should have watched something educational but she can learn something from reality TV.


Glancing at the clock, I notice the others are suppose to show up soon. I leave Taylor on the floor playing with blocks while I start making breakfast. Cereal better sound good, cause we don't have a ton of time for me to try to make something.

"Taylor, come eat," I call out setting some dry cereal on her high chair tray. Her footsteps quickly follow and I lock her in the chair.

After eating, I take quick a shower, get dressed in presentable clothes and pull my hair up in a pony. I dressed Taylor in jeans, white long sleeve shirt, and an adorable tan bear sweater/jacket thing.

After getting myself and Taylor ready, I start tidying up the house so my friends don't think I'm a total slob. I turn back to check on Taylor and she's no longer in the family room. I start freaking out looking for her before I hear slight whimpers from the bathroom. Opening the door, I wrap her in a giant hug. This time I carry her around the house with me to prevent that from happening again.

Just as I finish I hear the doorbell ring. I see an excited Willow, Jena and Elizabeth standing on my front porch as I approach the door.

"HI!" I say happily greeting everyone. They stare at Taylor in aw of the little one. We all have a slight obsession with children, well Elizabeth has her own children so not so much.

After saying a personal hello to each, I notice the boys pull up. I set Taylor down and run out to greet them. She still follows me, like she's frightened by new people. But also excited to see Josh and Liam, familiar faces.

I drag everyone inside and we settle in the family room. Running out of couch space, I sit on the ground with Taylor between my lap.

"Jen I think you have someone to introduce," Sam (Claflin) starts.

"Oh right, this is Taylor and I adopted her about two days ago," I say watching her look around studying everyone's faces to gain recognition.

"Oh that makes much more sense," Elizabeth adds.

"Yeah, we were all thinking like what the heck is Jen doing?" Willow cuts in.

"Thanks for the support," I say sarcastically.

"Just doing my job as your little sister," she jokes.

"Thanks. Not to be an a** but can we get a move on it. There's a lot to get done," I say.

"Yes, master," Josh bows in a joking way.

"Oh shut up," I laugh.

"Shuwt Up!" Taylor cheers.

"No, honey, don't say that. say Be quiet please?" I try now that I know she can repeat things.

"Shuwt Up?" she yells again.

"Great job Jen," Liam laughs.

"Taylor, be quiet," I try.

"Shuwt Up," she repeats.

"Oh god," I say face-palming myself. "Alright well we better get started, now or never right?"

"Willow? Jena you mind taking first shift on baby watching," I ask.

"No problem," Jena voices.


Thanks you all for voting, reading and commenting on this.

Also Happy 25th birthday to Jennifer Lawrence.

Please continue to comment, vote, and read.
Thanks so much.

Edited: 11-29-16

Found On the DoorstepOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora