17: The World knows

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Jen's POV

I walk into Ellen's studio with Taylor tightly gripping my hand. We go to a dressing room for hair and makeup before changing into nicer clothes.

I dress Taylor in pink patterned leggings with green, forest colored, long sleeve shirt and black flats. The stylist pulled her hair back in a high curled ponytail. I changed into Dior clothes and my hair just straightened and left down. 

I nervously stood backstage before getting introduced and call in front of the audience. 

E-Ellen: J-Jennifer: T-Taylor: A-Audience

E- Hi, Jennifer. 

J- Hi Ellen. How have you been?

E- Good, you?

J- Great.

E- You are 23 now, and you have 1 Oscar and a nomination.

J- Yeah.

E- Well, I have seen Silver Linings Playbook and it was wonderful. How was working with Bradley?

J- Thanks it was good.

E- How are your dancing skills now?

J- The same; they are terrible.

E- (Laughs) Okay we will be right back with Jennifer Lawrence and she will tell us her secret.

E- Ok and we are back with Jennifer Lawrence, I hear you have a surprise for us.

J- Yup, Taylor?
(Taylor walks out, just to the bottom of the steps, she has a microphone in one hand and blanket in the other )

T- Hi, mommy?

E- Mommy?

J- Yeah, this is my daughter. Taylor can you come here, please. (Taylor runs over and almost drops the microphone. Jen sets her on her lap)

E- So how did you find, uh, meet Taylor?

J- Well, one night in February, she showed up on my doorstep with a note. It was really late, so I just made a pillow cave in my bed so she didn't fall off my bed. That night I just fell in love with her, so I went to the courthouse the next day and adopted her.

E- Wow, so how has it been so far?

J- Good

E- Taylor, do you have anything to add to that?

T- Huh? (the audience laughs and Aww)

E- What has been your favorite thing to do with your mom so far?

T- Plawy Lewygos. (Aww from the audience)

E- That's so cute.  Jennifer, what do you like to do with Taylor?

J- To be honest, anything and everything. She is my whole world. She loves to hang out with my nephew and Willow.

T- Willow? Cody? (She just shouts out and the mic picks it up)

J- That's because I was filming an R-rated movie not appropriate for you to see at all.

E- So what do you do with her when you work?

J- Well depending on the movie, she comes and hangs out with my co-stars. Or she'll stay with someone, I trust and she trusts. When I filmed American Hustle, she had to stay with someone because the film was obviously to inappropriate for her.

T- We got Kitty.

E- Really? What's its name?

T- I now know.

J- Her name is Chaz-Bono. She was a present for her while I was gone filming. I had to give Josh, Hutcherson a list of crap to buy. Which by the way, I know I owe him money for that.

E- Okay, we need to talk about Catching Fire.

T- No Fire?

J- That's right no fire but Ellen is talking about a movie, remember? The movie where you were with Willow, Jena, Josh, Liam, and Sam.

T- We on (B)each?

E- Beach, what beach?

T- I no know.

J- Hawaii.

E- Wow, why couldn't I have come?

J- Yeah, it was a really pretty place but eventually you get so tired of watching people on vacation, you wish you didn't have to work. We'd be running up a mountain all day and coming back to the city we'd see all these people vacationing. It was so unfair.

E- Wow, sounds like it (Sarcastically). Well, we are out of time. It was nice to meet you Taylor, and good to see you again, Jennifer.

J- Thanks for having us.

Jen's POV

I take a deep breath as the music plays us to commercial. It's over. The world knows. 

Any type of feedback would be nice. Please continue reading. 

Edited: 1-5-17

Found On the DoorstepOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora