49: Joy flight

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Taylor's POV
I don't like my new bed. I am scare I will fall or something. I don't remember to tell someone I have to use the bathroom. I don't like growing up. I think we should all stay in diapers.
Today we are going to Boston, Manhattan. I woke up on the floor somehow, I don't even know how I got there. I usually end up somewhere in the hall or ground. Mommy usually wakes up and takes me back to bed.
"Honey, let's go get up," she says slightly shaking me.
"No, I sleep," I saying turning the other way.
"Nope you can sleep on the plane or in the stroller," she says picking me up.
"No mommy I sleep,"
"Yeah you can sleep after you get dressed,"
"No I sleep," I complain. This goes on for a long time. Maybe a half an hour. She gives in.
"Alright, you can wear you pjs but you are still using the bathroom. And we are going be late so let's go, come on," she says leading me to the bathroom.
"Alright go ahead," she says going over the the other side of the bathroom. I do my business.
"All done," I say hopping off the toilet.
"Ok, flush, wash you hands and let's go," she says moving the stool.
"Candy?" I ask hoping I get some.
"Yeah you get one and I get one cause I don't feel like lifting it down," she says grabbing 2 random pieces. I get one with chocolate. I can't read so I honestly don't know what it is.
Our bags are by the door and she was already when she woke me up. So I just need my sippy cup.
"Here you go, I'll be right back," she heads out the garage with a few bags.
"Thank you," I call after her. Once the car is loaded she comes back for me, I'm in my warm footie pajamas. Ready to be taken to the car.
"Ready, Taylor?"
"Yup," I say lifting my arms up. She takes me to the car and straps me in. We aren't picking anyone up which is weird. Maybe everyone is driving themselves. We usually have to lick up Josh or Liam when we go to filming.
Jen's POV
Taylor didn't give in to getting dress and I was too tired to fight for a long time. So I gave in. Right now she has the sippy cup with her medicine and I have another one with cold water and one with juice.
So we are set on that. I also have a bag of goldfish.
We arrive at the airport, 10 minutes late. I get out and security gets my bags. I get Taylor, who has fallen asleep. I ask someone to get the stroller out. It's a one seat purple and black. I set her in it after I get it up. Then I wrapped her baby blanket around her. I throw her backpack and my purse in the bottom of the stroller. I lightly slide the sippy cup out of her hands and replace it with the bear/blanket thing. I pull down the cover, to drown out sound/lights. We all walk in. I push the stroller, security in formation and carries my/Taylor's bags to a golf cart type of thing. It takes me to baggage check, then security, and finally my gate. Taylor didn't wake up once. She sleep through it all. We board the plane, I carry everything, even her. Should we just say I am amazing. I have 3 bags, Taylor with a blanket and bear/blanket thing. Luckily we are first classes and on a private plane with some of the cast. They haven't revealed the movie much so they don't want people knowing who's in it and crap.
I walk in to see Bradley, Madison, and Isabelle(crovetti-cramp). Also, Robert, Virginia, and Elizabeth. Ok I guess I won't alone.
"Hey, Jen I haven't see you since the Serna Premiere. How have you been?" Bradley says standing up to give me a hug.
"Good, but hold on with that hug," I go set Taylor down in a chair, she doesn't seem to care. Then I go back and pull him into a giant hug.
"Hey guys," I say in a whisper-shout tone.
"Hey how have you been doing? I heard about your daughter, congrats," Robbert says walking over to join. Elizabeth and Virginia join him on his walk over.
"Hi I'm Virginia. I don't believe we've met in person," Virginia says shaking my hand.
"And I'm Elizabeth," she say shaking my hand.
"Nice to meet you guys," I say, "where's my mini me?" I look around and then I spot her. Wow David does do well in look-a likes. We talk for a while then I hear Taylor stir. I walk over to her, she's up. She slept about 3 hours. Good for me.
"Hey how you doing honey?" I ask.
"Good, I thirsty," she says rubbing her eyes and looking around at the new surroundings. I go to my bag and grab the one with milk in it.
"Here you go," the milk should still be cold, the bottle has been insulated.
"Thank you mommy," she says.
"I love ya. Now let's go meet the cast," I reply, taking her hand and walking towards the group of people.

Thanks for everything you guys do, it makes my day way better to see someone left a nice comment or voted. It makes me smile to see how much reads I have on this story. So thanks.
Favorite day you spent in you PJ's?
I just watch movies/videos/TV all day if I wear pajamas all day. Or PJ days at my school.

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