24: Snow!

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Jen's POV 

Tomorrow I fly to New York for three days, fifteenth through the seventeenth right over the premiere date of American Hustle. I have to leave Taylor here with my other family, but I don't want to not after the incident. I want to be with her forever and always but I know I can't do that. She knows the I have to go for three days and isn't very happy about it either. Everyone knows that she is pretty attached to me. It's cute and amazing, to have that kind of relationship but it won't be good if I have to work in another movie that isn't appropriate for her. She is mad about it I can tell by the way she bangs stuff around and jumps loudly.

It started to snow, so I dressed in my winter gear and dressed Taylor in her winter gear. We met Blaine outside, he had Cody with him. We decided on a fort building race and a snowball war.

Me and my daughter vs Him and our nephew. The competition was on. Three hours later I had 5 buckets of perfect snowballs stashed in the back of my snow cave Taylor was currently laying in. We had set up with a barrier around the fort and the cave in the middle Blaine had the same, except I don't know about the snowballs. He might has stashed some of not. We were at opposite ends of the backyard.

This war was mainly between me and him. We decided it to play like it was capture the flag, only we use Taylor and Cody as the "flags." I knew I had a better chance cause Taylor doesn't trust or maybe doesn't like Blaine yet. Cody will come with me if I ask. So this will be easy.

Ben comes out to count us off.

"THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!" He yells. Snowballs launch through the air like bullets in a war, I grab a bucket of snowballs and make my way to Blaine's fort where Cody is "hiding." I run, try not to trip, and try to dodge the snowballs that Blaine is logging at me. At one point he hits me in the face.

So me being me start to cry, faking of course but he doesn't know. He immediately stops and I run to his fort to "get away." He being stupid runs after me. I quickly get Cody to come with me. Blaine gets there and I take off. I get to my fort and set Cody down. When I look back at Blaine his face just says, "what the hell?" I quietly laugh to myself.

"Come on guys lets go inside and get hot chocolate," I say as I help them both on their feet and grab their hands to bring them inside.

We get in and Ben comes and helps Cody out of this snow gear, while I get Taylor's and mine off.

Blaine comes in a second later, and instantly walks over to me. Uh oh. I think.
"So I guess you forfeit," Blaine says.

"Oh hel..., I mean no I just schooled you," I says realizing that there the kids are still here.

"What?" He asks.

"Well, I you hit me in the face, I ran toward your fort and got Cody to my fort. Therefore I beat you," I say throwing my hands in the air like Taylor does when she wants to be held and pumping then in a victory dance.

"No you didn't," he says back, "I thought you were hurt."

"That's what I call acting," I say like it's obviously.

"Fine whatever, cheater," he says.

"Mom, Blaine called me a cheater," I say yelling looking for her.

"She did cheat though," he argues backs.

"Uh no, I simply won," I say. The words didn't and did to bounces back and forth till both my Mom and Dad yell stop at us. We both stop instantly. Knowing it didn't really matter anymore. To be honest I am confused about what exactly we am were arguing about.


For dinner we have, spaghetti, bad idea. It's messy. I eat with Taylor on my lap cause every other seat was too big or too high. This makes her spill on me and it is cover in sauce on her hands and face and my pants because apparently they are some type of napkin.

After dinner I don't wait any longer, I wash her face and hands, then go find me some pjs it's closer to that then daytime. We spent the night watching Netflix, Once Upon a Time.

The next morning I get up to my alarm, which I wanted to break in half. Taylor didn't wake up, it was like 6 am. A lot different from LA time. I put my bags in the car. Said goodbye to who was up, kissed Taylor goodbye, and left. I really didn't want to leave but having Taylor travel so much isn't good for her ears right now, neither is people screaming at her. But she can meet Bradley soon.

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Edited: 9-8-16

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