23: Doctors and Pacing

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Jen's POV

We arrive at the hospital in a matter of minutes. I go in swiftly with Taylor in my arms. I know if I run in I won't get a doctor anytime soon. I get there leave Taylor in a chair and go fill out forms. The rest of my family come in and wait with us. I am either pacing or holding Taylor. What happen?
Why? Why? Is all I can think, why to every single thing.

"Taylor Lawrence?" the doctor says. I jump up with Taylor and follow the man to a room.

"So it says here she can't hear, has thrown up at least 4 times today, and is sleepy," he repeats from the papers I filled out.

"Yeah, she woke up and threw up, and took a nap then woke up and couldn't hear," I say not really knowing how to explain.

"Ok let's run some ear tests. I think I know what's going on but I want to be sure," he says.

They run tests, and I was sent to the waiting room. Pacing, bouncing my knee in a seat, and mumbling filled my next three hours. Not very pleasant. Everyone told me to calm down, I didn't, I couldn't.

Finally a nurse came back out with Taylor behind her. Taylor ran to me and I scooped her up.

"So what's with Taylor?" I ask cautiously. A doctor came out and explained.

"Taylor has Ménière disease. It's affects her balance and hearing. She will continue to have these type of episodes, of hearing loss, stomach sickness, and sleepiness. We can only have you get monthly check ups and she needs to go on a low sodium diet. Also maybe hearing aids can help with hearing, because she will eventually lose all hearing," he says.

"Ok, I will get them when I get home to LA," I say.

"Here take this it has all the information on the disease and ways to cope with it, and maybe explain it better to you," he says before we walk through the doors. I had calmed down and wasn't shaking anymore.

We walk out to the cars, I explain. And we drive home.

"Taylor let's go to sleep, it's getting late," I say to her now that she can hear.

"Noooo! I slept all day. I play," she says pretty loud.

"Well I didn't sleep all day, and I am tired," I say.

"Tv?" she replies.

"Fine, but only one show. Then we are going to sleep," I say giving in.

No use fighting.

"Now," she says happily, as she skips to the couch.

Sorry for shorter chapter than usually. Any feedback? Any suggestions? Any other celebrities that Taylor should meet? Comment, vote and as always keep reading. Thanks so much!

Edited: 9-8-16

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