36: Going alone

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Picture of SLP quote.

Jen's POV

Today I am going back to Kentucky, for my brothers wedding. Not with Taylor but alone. I need to act more then ever. I get to meet/surprise new family members.

They don't even know that Blaine has a sister. So yay? No Taylor isn't here. Taylor, my world, has been in a coma since February 17, 2014 it March 23, 2014.

I am practically dying inside, good thing I am Katniss who is also dying inside. We have a little bit left in Europe, then we epilogue in the summer.

I trudge out of the bed in the hotel room. I take a shower, grab my bags, and check out of the hotel. I get in the rental car and drive to the airport. Nothing really happens, same as always, but without real smiles and instead forced smiles.

People know about Taylor but not exact condition, it's been on the news and stuff, but I don't watch it, it pains me more.

Hours later, I am home and in the car to my home. My parents picked me up, tonight before the wedding we are surprising the new additions. Who are Chloe and Skylar. Full names are Chloe Elizabeth Lawrence and Skylar Alexis, well now, Lawrence.

Yay I get to finally meet them. I am happy but not fully myself.

I get out and get my bags throw them in the room, which happens to remind me of Christmas cause the crib is still in their.

Taylor was air lifted to a children's hospital by my parents house, so they can watch her and work. Also cause we weren't going back to Atlanta anytime soon.

I have to leave, I can't cry my life away of being lonely. Even though everyone has their kids, Ben has Cody and one on the way, Blaine has Skylar. But I am still surrounded by people who love me.

I leave and go out to the family room, trying to drown myself in reality TV. Ben comes over early to dinner.

"Hey?" He says

"Hey," I say looking up at him.

"How's filming?" He asks.

"What do you think?" I say sarcastically.

"Hey, I know this is hard on you, but chose happiness, Jen or chose God. Don't let it control you," Ben's says very wisely. I chose both God and happiness. I want Taylor back more than anything, but I will set faith in God that this happens for a reason.

Ben and me sit their, I curl in his shoulder, he doesn't mind. He loves me and Taylor. We both sit there silently, either crying slowly and comforting each other. Blaine comes blasting in, and instantly joins us on the couch. My parents come and we all sit there silent not moving like a painting with a crying family. Cody and Carly come in, she instantly knows and joins the room silently. Cody is still confused why I am here without his buddy. I am too.

Ben and Blaine sit up and we say the Our Father prayer together, we all take a moment to go around and add whatever we want. I pray for Taylor, for filming, for our family, for Blaine and Chloe, and thank the Lord for my blessings.
Almost on cue as we finish, the doorbell rings and Blaine jumps to open the door, before he does he sends me to his room, for special effect.

I willing listen and head there after stoping to get the mask I left here when scaring him. Cody follows me and we plan out big surprise.

Blaine calls for me and I send Cody all dress in black with the mask. I hear everyone laugh, then ask for me. I calm myself, force a smile and walk out.

"Hi, I am Jennifer but they all call me Jen," I say referring to my family.

"How could you keep this from me? What else are you hiding?" Chloe starts freaking out. Carly steps up.

"This idiot did the same, but they don't have anything to hide. It's just at first people only dated them for money for her. Or fame, or just to meet her," Carly explains her meaning me.

"Really?" Chloe questions.

"Yeah, I am married to him with two kids," Carly says and points to Ben, he smirks at the comment.

"Ok, I'm sorry," Chloe says it Blaine.

"Now I heard someone else was coming?" I say mischievously.

"Yeah, uh, Sky!" Chloe yells out.

"What mommy!" The little burnett girl yells from the other room.

"Come meet your, a-aunt" Chloe yells again.

"Coming," a little brown eyed, brunette, about 8 comes to where we all were standing around.

"Hi, I am Aunt Jen, or Jen. Whatever you want to call me," I say to her.

"I haven't met you yet. I am Skylar some call me Sky. Your choice. Jen, right?" She says.

"Yeah, Sky," I say wanting to hug her but unsure if I should. I end up hugging her. She's adorable.

We have dinner, talk get to know each other, they find out about Taylor, telling embarrassing stories about Blaine.

Then they all leave. It's me, my mom, and my dad. I say I am going to bed, and leave. Soon Blaine's room will be redone.

I change in to pajamas and turn on my speaker. Just high enough to hear. I start with the song, "Never Grow Up" then some more Taylor swift. I eventually drift off, to be ready for tomorrow.

Thanks so much for reading. Thanks for the votes and heart warming/awesome comments. I literally owe you guys so much.


How many weddings have you been too? And how are you related it the groom or bride?

I went to one and its was my second cousins who was the bride.

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