3: Liam and Josh

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Liam's POV

I wake up about eight o'clock in the morning. Deciding I might as well go to Jen's now, I get up to shower. Pulling on a green t-shirt over a white undershirt before going to downstairs to get a cup of coffee. Surprisingly, I meet Josh in the kitchen but he's still in his pajamas.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" I ask.

"You said we were leaving at nine-thirty for Jen's," he says like I'm an idiot. He's staying with me because his place is having a plumbing problem so his water isn't working right now.

"Oh yeah, okay well get ready," I tell him.

"I'm going, I'm going," he says still half-asleep.

By nine-thirty we're in the car on the way to Jen's. I pull into the driveway about twelve random radio songs, that we tried to sing along. Josh rings the doorbell as soon as we get to the doorstep.

"Josh! Liam!" Jen says opening the door and giving us each a hug.

"Hey, good to see you too," Josh smiles at her. He's definitely in love with her, still.

"Hey Jen, why are we here?" I ask.

"Well nice to see you too," she says sarcastically.

"Sorry, but you did call to have me set up a crib and highchair for you," I say suspiciously until a little blonde girl bounces into the doorway.

"Night-night," she says making us all laugh.

"This is my daughter, Taylor Ann Lawrence," Jen says lifting her on her hip.

"Wow," Josh says his jaw dropping.

"That's great," I say stepping in the house assuming Jen doesn't want the paparazzi to find out.

"Here you wanna hold her?" she asks extending her arms.

"Nah, I'm not that good with kids but Josh might," I say moving aside.

"Josh?" Jen says getting his attention.

"What?" he turns his head back to her.

Josh's POV

I'm sitting on my best friend's kitchen floor while she and Liam try to build a highchair when the small toddler starts throwing Cheerios at me. I playfully try my best to catch them in my mouth until she starts throwing handfuls.

"Taylor, don't throw that many," I complain. Still the handful hits my face and splatters on the floor. She begins to crawl around and throw them back at me. This time one by one.

I dodge them this time. I've realized my cause of death shouldn't be because I was catching cheerios in my mouth because a toddler was throwing them at me. Eventually, Taylor ran out and started to cry for more. I reluctantly refilled her small bowl which she used as ammunition.

"Jen, your daughter is starting a war," I yell out to her.

"I noticed, you aren't doing very well," she says getting up from helping Liam.

"Well help me this devious child has a smart mind," I say.

"I know she's a mastermind at hide and go seek except she can't open doors very well," Jen says before sitting down to help Taylor as I dodge both hands throwing.

"Liam, I'm under heavy fire," I yell. Luckily he came to my rescue.

Jen's POV

After wasting 4 bowls of Cheerios and a finally finished high chair, I took everyone upstairs to show where Taylor's room is going to be. Liam gladly and carefully carried Taylor up while Josh and I raced our way up the stairs. I feel as though I should be declared a winner since I touched the top first. Josh will tell you I touched it with my hand first which is true but to win I had to touch the top. No one ever said what I was doing was illegal.

We start on getting the crib together while taking turns watching Taylor. She's pretty energetic and doesn't like to stay in one place at once.

In between watching Taylor and helping the boys I was able to call Jena, Sam, Liz (Elizabeth) and Willow, they all managed to have time tomorrow to help me gratefully. Around five, I order take out Chinese food for dinner. And about seven, I change Taylor into pajamas and a clean diaper before tucking her in her newly installed crib. I hit the baby monitor and head downstairs.

Josh's POV

After Taylor went to bed, we all watched "The Pink Panther," and laughed all the way through it. Especially my favorite part at the end when they're all camouflaged. Around eleven Liam drives us back to his place, but before we left Jen made us promise to come back tomorrow.


Thanks so much for reading this. I will probably not update very often because school starts soon. Please comment and vote. It would mean the world to me. Thanks again.

Edited: 02/28/18

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