14: Birthday (Part 1)

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Jen's POV

I wake up on the 13th of August with a small smile. It's Taylor's birthday, the first one with me. August thirteenth, two thousand and thirteen. I get up and out of bed before heading down the hall to wake my little baby. 

"Hey, Tay, Taylor, Tay," I say shaking her shoulder. She rolls over and rubs her eyes. "Happy Birthday, Sweetie," I say once she looks sorta awake. 

"Huh?" she looks confused. 

"It's your birthday. You're two years old, and we're gonna celebrate at the park," I inform her. 

"Otay," she says slightly understanding what I was saying. 

"Well up, up, up, we've got to go set up," I tell her. 


"Hey, today you can play with Willow and Cody," I say looking in my rear view mirror in order to switch lanes. 

"Cawn I plawy on the monkwey bars?" she asks in her quiet voice.

"Yes, don't worry," I say parking next to my brother's car. I had to get security to rope off the park and my publicist to keep me off the radar for this party. No one better ruin this party, I'll sue them. 

I get out of the car before unstrapping Taylor from her car seat. "Hi, how was your guys morning," my mom asks greeting us. 

"Good, how was yours," I reply adjusting Taylor on my hip.

"Stressful, Dad is grilling burgers and hot dogs for lunch, but I think everyone is here," my Mom says.

"Perfect," I say as we get closer to the picnic tables and others notice we are here.

"Happy birthday Taylor," goes around the room as people start to notice we are here.

"Hey, I can take Taylor to play with the kids while you visit with the others," Blaine asks me. 

"Sure except I don't know if she'll let you," I say honestly.

One time Woody was taking her to Francis for me, because I had to be at the trailer earlier than I had been getting there, and she screamed, cried, laid down and yelled. Woody brought her back to me as she kicked and screamed. I calmed her down and just let her stay with me. It wasn't a very good idea for having Woody take her over. She only lets Willow and I do that. I don't think that she minds Josh too. But it's mainly me and Willow.

"I take my risks," Blaine says lifting Taylor out of my arms.

"Ok," I say hoping Taylor doesn't have a melt-down. Didn't take her long before she started crying.

"NOOOO! I WANT MY MOMMY!" Taylor yells loudly, while Blaine quickly hands her back.

"Shh, shh, sweetie is ok. I've got you now," I whisper in her ear as her breathing returns to normal. I sway a little to help calm her nerves down before returning to talk to people. 

Lunch time rolled around and we all gathered at the tables to eat. Even though Taylor and I ate breakfast under three hours ago, I was starving. I filled two plates and took a seat between Josh and Willow. Taylor seemed content or happy to be close to people who weren't strangers.

Taylor's POV

After lunch, Mommy hands me to Willow. 

"Hey Taylor, let's go find Amandla," she says adjusting me and my blanket so it's easier to carry me around. We weaved our way through the crowd to find a girl about Willow's age with black hair. 

"Hey, guys," Amandla, I think, greets us.

"Amandla, this is Taylor," Willow says smiling at me.

"Hi, Taylor," Amandla says. 

"Hwello," I wave shyly. They laugh, I don't understand why though.

"How about we go to the playground?" Willow suggests.

"Yeawh," I agree. 

"What shall we do first," Willow says setting me down but keeping my blanket. 

"Twhe monkwey bawrs," I point at them.

"Okay, can Amandla help you while I go put your blanket away?" Willow asks. 

"No," I say still staring at the monkey bars. 

"It's okay, I'll give it to Jen," Amandla says rushing towards the picnic area. Willow lifts me up high so I can reach the bars.

"Taylor, you need to move both of your hands to the next bar, I will be right here to catch you if you fall," she says as she points to the bars ahead. 

I successfully make it to the fourth one, before slipping and dropping. Luckily Willow catches me just like she said. Amandla joins us with Cody, I think. Either way, we all play together. I like Cody, he's nice. I hope he can be my friend. I make a mental note to ask Mommy how she knows him.

Jen's POV

"Anyone want to have an obstacle race?" I ask because I am starting to get bored.

"Yeah" "Sure" "I'm in" "Alright" "Yes" I hear echo around the park, well picnic area.

"If you do meet me at the swings," I yell loudly before sprinting towards the child set of swings.

Jena, Josh, Liam, Sam, Elizabeth, Ben, Blaine, Laura, Carly, and I end up at the swings.

"Willow! Amandla! Want to join the race!" I say noticing that they probably didn't hear the announcement. 

"Sure!" they yell back.

"Leave the kids with my mom and hurry up," I instruct. 

Once they get back, we split into two even teams.  Ben, Carly, Willow, Sam, Jena, and I verse, Blaine, Laura, Amandla, Liam, Elizabeth, and Josh. We quickly decide a course and line up in order of skills and ability. Ben and Blaine. Carly and Laura, Willow and Amandla. Sam and Liam. Elizabeth and Jena. Josh and I. 

My Dad yells go which starts the race with Sam and Liam neck and neck. Josh and I are racing back both at the same time, at the same place, moving at the same pace. First, one to touch the person sitting at the front of the team line wins. Somehow I get a boost of energy and pick up my pace. I drive past the finish line while giving Sam a high five that hurt really bad. 

A bunch of curse words escapes Sam and I's mouth while we both recover. It didn't take long for us to start bragging. 

My two-year-old daughter runs into my leg screaming "Cake!" I wonder where she got that idea, oh wait she's my daughter, of course I know. It was Me.

"Sure, baby," I say picking her up.

"Yay," she cheers with a huge smile.

We sing a loud and obnoxious Happy Birthday to her while I take millions of pictures and short videos. After blowing out the two candles and cutting the cake, everyone hungrily scarfs down their food. 

I'm pretty sure I ate more than I'm supposed too but who cares. We continue playing games, singing, dancing, and competing until it's dark. My parents help me pack up everything before we escape the now piling Paparazzi crowd. I'm glad they didn't ruin the party, I feel really lucky about that. 

I get home around eleven with a full car and a sleeping toddler. After tucking her in, I don't bother to unload, I just lock the doors and hit the lights. I change into my pajamas before snuggling into the sheets. 

Edited: 12-27-16

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