42: Home at last

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Taylor's POV
The doctor said home with help me get better. So me and this lady named mommy, I dont understand the name part, are going there. We go on plane. We are walking to the plane now.
"Taylor, Taylor," she says before tapping my shoulder.
"We are boarding," she says taking my hand. I follow her, I am really lost.
I may be three but I don't remember being two or one or three. I am just living in a giant state of confusion. I am suppose to attain all my memory in about 2 weeks if not I go back to see the other doctor.
We walk to the plane, and sit at the front. I am by the window. I look over and we aren't moving.
"Why are we no moving?" I ask.
"We have to wait to lift off the ground," she says using her hands to model.
"K" I respond.
"You can sleep, play on your i-pad, listen to music, or watch a movie," she says or asks.
"I will watch a movie, what movie," I ask.
"Let's watch one that might jog you memory, she says pulling a large thing out of a purple backpack marked Taylor in white pretty letters.
"It's a movie that you came with me to film. It's called Catching Fire. It's a little scary but we can skip that part," she says tapping the screen.
"K, I try to remember," I say.
"Here put these on," she hands me some headphones. I put them over my ears, they won't fit inside. She puts her headphones on the inside of her ears. The movie starts.
There is this familiar but not too familiar girl. I may of met her in my old life, her name is Prim. There is also Katniss who looks like the lady sitting next to me. Plus this boy named Peeta looks like that other boy in my room when I woke up. I think that was Peeta. Plus these other people look/feel familiar. So there's Peeta, Prim, Gale, Haymitch, Effie, Cinna, Johanna, Finnick, and someone I can't remember their name though.
"What did you think?" The lady who I suddenly forget her name asks.
"It was great. I think I knew those people though," I say.
"Who?" She presses.
"Finnick, Peeta, Prim, Gale, Haymitch, Katniss, Johanna, and much more," I say shaking my head yes. She almost cries.
"Yes yes you did. When. We get home you are meeting them again, I want you to get better as soon as possible," she says shaking her head at yes and emphasizing soon and better.
"K," I say. She smiles.
"I go sleepy," I say laying my head on the closed window and closing my eyes. Before I do,
"Wait," she says. I jump a little. And she gets out a blanket, bear, and giraffe. These look familiar. I wonder whose they are.
"They are yours, you used to sleep with them," she says coving me up and moving the airplane seatbelt off my lap.
"Ok," I say.
"I love you Taylor, don't you ever forget that," she says kissing my forehead before I fell asleep.
When I wake up we were in LA, in a taxi ok the way home. I walk up to the door, more like bounce. Mommy comes up with 3 suitcases, that purple backpack, and her purse. She unlocks the door. We walk in, nothing is familiar. Apparently we had a cat, that died when I was sleeping. Also we are rearranging my room once I remember.
We have 2k reads and 241 votes. I am ecstatic, it feels amazing. Thanks you so much for support and help. If you really care about who Skylar and Chloe end up looking like, please Private Message me, thanks.
What your house like when you come home from vacation?
Mines always clean, us kids "get" to clean it.

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