59: Connan

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Jen's POV
After dinner I get changed in to another black dress, and put Taylor in some PJ's. We are going to the Connan. For another interview but because it's going to be late when it ends I am hoping that Taylor will sleep in the dressing room or something. Tomorrow I have another early day for X-men and Nick, yuck. I mean Nick is b**** not X-men they are awesome.
"Tay, where's you bag?"
"Over there" she points to the bed. I go over and pick up the purple bag. Then start loading it with a few sippy cups, her blanket, coat, extra clothes and her bear-bear.
"Ok ready?"
"Yup," she says standing up on footie pajamas and Crocs. She chose footie pajamas to bring and also then I don't haul around blankets the PJ's will keep her warm.
I grab a light jacket and my purse. I sling Taylor's bag over my should and hold open the door for her. We head downstairs and meet Josh and Liam in the lobby.
"Hey Jen," Liam says," and hello Taylor, you look nice in pajamas," he jokes.
"Hi Joshy and Liam, and thank you," Taylor responds politely. This causes us all to laugh on how serious and politely she answered.
"What?" She asks oblivious.
"Nothing ready to leave?"
"Yeah hold on," I answer, and scoop Taylor up and set her on my hip. She wraps her hands around my neck. I slide on sunglasses, she buries in to my neck, and the doors open revealing the fans and paparazzi clumped together. We walk together to the car. I climb in, then Josh and Liam gets in the front.
"Taylor, let's get you in the car seat," I say lifting her to the seat. I set her in it, clasp the buckles then buckle myself so I don't get in trouble.
We get to the back door of the studio and all quickly get inside. We are given the same type of dressing room, but we don't use them all, we use mine. Taylor goes in first and the boys drop off there stuff in their rooms.
"Hi!" Taylor starts shouting and I quickly close the door.
"Hey calm down," I say.
"Nope nope nope!" She starts to jump on the couches.
"Alright shh be a little quieter," I try to reason.
"No no no," she yells back.
"Ok stop jumping at least,"
"No thank you!" She shouts.
"Why do you have so much energy?"
"I didn't do anything today," she stopped bouncing to talk to me. She wasn't yelling but she was talking loud.
"Ok now talk in a normal voice," I said.
"Yippee," she shouted and started jumping again. I just left her to it, maybe she would be tired out tonight, and sleep peacefully.
"Hey Jen, and Taylor," Josh says walking in.
"Hey guys, wow what's with Taylor?" Liam says.
"I don't even know, she's been like this ever since we got in here," I respond.
"Did she eat a lot of candy or coffee?" Josh asks.
"No she doesn't drink coffee and there wasn't any candy to eat," I say. Josh and Liam look at each other then at me at the same time. We all know what that means. Josh takes the right, Liam the left and I get behind her while she is bouncing and randomly singing not paying attention to us.
It's goes from the smurf song to screams.
"Ahhhhh!" Taylor keeps yelling, then starts sobbing. I give Josh and Liam the look that says "Great idea, dingbat."
"Shhhh, I've got you, honey shhh, look there's Joshy and Liam," I point them out as if she can't see them through her tears. She hiccups a little but calms down eventually. I rock her in my lap and run her back as she stops.
I hear Josh sarcastically say, "well this is going to definitely boost me on Taylor's favorite people list."
"What do you mean, I'm already there?" Liam says playing along.
"No you aren't," Josh shots back.
"Am too," Liam instantly says.
"Am not," Josh starts.
"Am too," Liam keeps going.
"Am not," Josh adds.
"Am not," Liam tries to trick him.
"Am t-not," Josh says.
"Almost got you there huh?" Liam smiles at that.
"Did not," Josh starts it again. As they bicker back and forth. Taylor hops off my lap and gets her I-pad. She turns on the camera and starts video recording. For a almost 4 year old she's a genius. I take the screen from her and start closely recording.
"5 minutes till showtime," someone says knocking on the door.
"Ok!" Us three shout back. Then we re-watch Liam and Josh bickering for the third time.
"Let's go guys!" Some else shouts through the door.
"Taylor will you be goo to stay? Mommy will be right back, you can sleep, watch tv, or play on you iPad, ok?"
"Yes momma," she says reassuringly. I give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before we walk out.
The interview starts and my relentless cussing comes up.
"....I mean I hear s*** all the time but I don't swear." Is how this starts.
Before I try to raise charity money, during a commercial.
"Can someone check and see what Taylor is doing?" I asked randomly.
"She's watching the interview," a crew guy responds.
"Ok, one minute," I excuse myself. I get backstage and ask someone to have Taylor listen to music while I finish this contest. They nicely go and get her instead.
"Hey honey, mommy has a contest and I want you to hear this song real quick, ok?" I pul headphones over her ears and play the song Best Day of your life by American Authors. One of the camera men allow her to sit in their cool chairs off the side of the main set. We start rolling again and I awesomely raise money and sing Cher. Sadly we are using raised money for copyrights to the song, just kidding.
We go back to the hotel and sleep. Tomorrow starts Comic Con with X-men.
Please check out my other story, thank you if you do.

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