53: Joy Cast Party

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Thanks to I-Am-Jess for the idea, it will continue.
Jen's POV
Taylor is vey happy about school plus she has her little buddy Logan. Maybe they can get together before we leave. Like a play date.
Now we are going to a Cast Party to celebrate that we are half way done filming. We have 3 weeks left. We end in April about the second week.
"You ready? Let's go," I say climbing out the opposite of where Taylor is. Then I go around and get her out. I end up carrying her in. I have my purse on a arm, her on another and the backpack slung over my shoulder.
We walk in half of us are already there. The party is at a nice park. It's kinda hidden back in the trees, but it's beautiful here.
"Pretty," Taylor says as we walk up to the others.
"Yeah, stay close to me, I don't need to bring home more strangers or you to get lost," I say remembering how Taylor ran in to Taylor swift.
"K," we reach the picnic tables. I set my purse and her backpack, then I try to set her down. She eventually gives in. But still squeezes my hand. We go and talk to the others with her thumb in her mouth and blanket laid over her shoulder.
"Hey Taylor, Jen. How are you?" Bradley asks.
"Same since I saw you about an hour ago," I reply.
"Cool, so since we all have drivers, we have some beers, over there," he says pointing to a red cooler. I punch him in the upper arm.
"Hey what way that for," he says in a whinny and annoying voice.
"For trying to get me to drink, I have I kid now, dumb***," oh shit.
"Sorry," he says.
"Taylor are you by any chance listening?" I ask, hopefully she wasn't.
"What?" She says, good she was in a daze.
"Nothing let's go play at the swings," I say taking her hand again and walking toward the swings. She happily follows.
When we get there, I lift her in to a baby seat, and start to lightly push her. Bradley comes and swings, and then others start to join. It ends up with about a little more than half of the main cast on the swings. It's a blast.
Next we go to these spin things. I get really real dizzy, thanks to Isabelle. She nicely swung the thing in really fast circles. After I get up I stumble a little but I make it to the picnic tables alright, I almost tripped twice. Taylor was at the picnic table watch some people cook and set up the karaoke stuff from after dinner. I sat down next to her.
"Hi," she says still watching.
"Hey," I say cheerful.
"Hi," she says again.
"Want to go play?" I ask.
"No,"she says.
"Why?" I ask.
"I am watching," she says staring off in space.
"Ok, well, I'm gonna go join the others, are you ok here?" I ask standing up.
"No, stay with me," she says looking up and reaching out to me. I sit back down.
"Ok," I says wrapping her in a hug.
"Thanks," she says.
"So what do you want to do tonight?" I ask trying to make conversation.
"I no know, singing, eat," she says.
"I want to eat too but definitely not singing," I say.
"Why no sing?" She asks.
"I am a terribly singer," I say remembering filming that day at the mine and singing The Hanging Tree.
"Sing, I will tell you," she says looking straight in to my hazel eyes, I stare right back in to beautiful brown eyes.
"Really, do I have too?" I say in a whinny voice.
"Yup," and with that she stands up and hops off the bench. Then drags me to a standing position.
"Now," she demands.
"Deep in the meadow,
Under the Willow,
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow," I start singing.
As I finish, I open my eyes I closed when I was singing, and half the cast was starting at me then started clapping. Happily clapping, is this a joke?
"You sing awesome!" Taylor says jumping up and down.
"No I don't, how about you sing?" I say taking the pressure off me.
"Uh (r)weally?" She says unsure.
"Yeah, come let's go get you a microphone," I say taking her to the people who just set up the karaoke machine.
"Hey nice singing," a random man who runs this machine says.
"Uh thanks, can I have a microphone for her?" I say.
"Yeah, on a headset or one you hold?" He asks. I do a quick mental pro/con list of each and decide on headset.
"Headset please," I ask, Taylor stays quiet sucking her thumb.
"Ok here you go, now pick a song," he says turning an iPad type of thing with a list of songs. I look around and find Enchanted. Taylor knows this by heart. Taylor(Ally) taught her one day.
"How about Enchanted?" I ask turning to her, as someone adjusts the headset.
"What's that?"
"The one Ally Taught you that says "I was enchanted to me you," I say singing a little to jog her memory.
"Oh yeah," she says happily.
"Alright ready, let's me take you blankie," I lift it off her shoulders.
"This is for Mommy and Ally," she says as soon as she reaches center "stage." We don't really have a stage move like higher elevation. I get my phone ready to record then press play and the song starts. As usually she belts it out beautifully. I smile hearing her voice sing.
"Who's Ally?"Bradley asks when we are clapping for Taylor.
"Taylor, Taylor Swift," I say calmly, I've stop freaking out about her, we are like best friends.
Next Taylor sings "At Last I see the light" it was great. I recorded both songs separately. I think some others did too.
Taylor finishes, we take off the headset and go sit down to watch Bradley, David, Madison, Isabelle, Virginia, and some others bravely take the stage.
I didn't even want to try, I like hearing other's singing voice, though.
It's pretty.
The party ends about 11:00pm. I leave with Taylor asleep on my right shoulder, in her pajamas, sandals, with her thumb in her mouth, and bear-bear wrapped tightly in the other hand; all curled up in her blanket. I arms are loosely wrapped around my neck. I take her backpack and sling it over my left shoulder same with my purse.
Qc: Ask me anything personal, random, anything and I will answer.
Thanks see you soon.

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