
526 8 3

This isn't an update, by the way.

Tagged by Kaitlyyyyyyyn

1. You must post the rules.
2. You must tag 13 people.
3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.
4. You have to answer the 13 questions from whoever tagged you and create 13 more.
5. "I don't tag" is unacceptable.
6. Tag backs are allowed.
7. Must finish within a week or said person will remind you
8. Be creative

1. I'm adopted.
2. I'm the middle child.

3. I'm love going to school, not the school work but just going and seeing people.

4. My favorite number is 2013

5. I have been on Wattpad since August 2015.

6. I love country music ever since I heard "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift.

7. One of my favorite movies is The Pink Panther.

8. When I was in preschool, I broke my collar bone.

9. I have participated in a total of seven organized sports.

10. I'm the president of a school club.

11. I come up with my best ideas at night.

12. My favorite animal is a Panda.

13. I love music because each time you listen to it, it means something different each time. Plus I feel like it connects me more to others.

Questions Answered:

1. If you could live off one food forever what would it be?
Pizza because you can change it in many ways. Or Potatoes because you can make them different ways.

2. Favorite TV show?
Once Upon A Time is my all time favorite. Or Grey's Anatomy.
I also like Friends, Full House, Parks and Recreation, How I Met Your Mother, and Switched At birth.

3. Gatorade or Powerade?
Gatorade definitely.

4. Chocolate or sour?
Chocolate because I have a geographic tongue. It's means I have cracks in my tongue so taste stays with me longer, like I can't eat spicy things or sour patch kids.

5. Instagram or Twitter?

6. The last picture you took on your phone?
The snowy mountains with a crack of sunlight shining on them. It looks really nice in my opinion. It's above.

7. What was the last lie you told?
That I ate someone's food.

8. Do you trust anyone with your life?
I do.

9. What question do you hate to answer?
Would you ever want to search for your birth parents? It's hard to explain my answer.

10. What cheers you up?
Obviously music, YouTube videos, movies, friends, and family.

11. What is your favorite word?
Oompa-Loompa or Avocado

12. What is your first thought when you woke up this morning?
Why is my phone buzzing...

13. If you could personally witness anything, what would you want to have seen?
I would wanna see how they filmed SLP, an episode of Grey's Anatomy and ONCE.

1. All time favorite movie?
2. If you could spend a 24 hours with 3 celebrities (dead or alive) of your choice, with unlimited activities, what three would you chose?
3. Favorite singer?
4. How many sibling do you have?
5. How many animals do you own and what are they?
6. Biggest fear?
7. All time favorite story on Wattpad?
8. Favorite school teacher?
9. What food are you currently craving?
10. If you were a celebrity, who would you be? Match your personality to a celebrity?
11. Hardest time you've ever had in your life so far?
12. Dream job? That you could realistically do but it's still a dream job.
13. Favorite animal?



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