31: Where is she?

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Willow's POV
Today's the day. Mockingjay starts for filming. I guess I shouldn't get up, I have been awake for like an hour, being excited and nervous for today. I can't wait now. I get to see my little buddy. I haven't seen her since Jen was filming American Hustle. I flew in late last night, after my plane was delayed. It took forever. But I made it.
I get up, check my phone, just some texts from my sister, Autumn. She's my twin. I don't want to wake her so I will text her later. I walk to my shower, undress, shower, and get out to find some clothes. My mom wakes no up, and takes her turn in the bathroom. When she gets done, I go apply light makeup. Throw on my converse, grab my bag, and we leave for set.
We pull up and Jen is the only one there, or at least the only car I can detect. We go in and I was wrong there is Liam, Juliane, Jeffery, Woody, Elizabeth, and more. Everyone except, Sam but we are all early, like 20 minutes. So whatever. Then Taylor notices I am here and comes running over with her blanket, that now has her name embedded in it. She makes it and I go down and hug her. It's a good thing she doesn't have Jen's coordination or she would have tripped by now. I kneel down to her level and give her a giant worth while hug.
"Hi buddy," I mutter in her ear.
"Hi Willow," she says as I stand up.
"Your are up early," I say, looking down at her looking up at me with her big brown eyes.
"Mama," she says pointing to Jen who is punching Liam.
I start laughing but she looks serious. Which makes me laugh even harder.
Later in the day, it was break time and Taylor was off with Sam, I think. Jen and I were playing around. She starts jumping around like a bird trying to fly, it's creepy I start screams and that of course, makes me look like a bigger fool. But we all end up laughing and Jen is still smiling and jumping till her hair person says "If you keep jumping, Katniss will need a scene when she gets her hair cut and colored." Jen immediately stops jumping. We start filming again, then we hear the loudest screaming, I have ever heard.
"MOMMMY,BLANKIE? I WANT MY MOMMY?" Someone yells and that can only be for one person, Jen. Unless, Sam magically had a child who can speak very quickly. Jen takes off as soon as she recognizes the voice. I quickly follow her when I figure it out.
"Who has Taylor?" Jen yells as we run through the set.
"What's the problem?" I say in-between breaths.
"Explain later, now find her, and bring me to my trailer, yell if you do," Jen yells for everyone to hear.
"Alright," I say and break off from the group. What's the problem? Taylor was all smiles this morning. Wait, she can't be with anyone who was in the scene we just filmed, she doesn't trust the new people as much as us, so either Elizabeth or Sam is left. Wait, but Sam was with Liam before his entrance so it must be Liz.
"Liz, Liz," I say running towards the outside door, we must have left the window open. I open it still running, well now sprinting.
"There you are, she won't stop. She won't listen, or anything. I don't understand." She says pointing to Taylor mindlessly running around crying and now whisper-screaming.
"Ok, let get her attention and get her Jen. I think she will let me carry her," I say slowly walking toward Taylor.
"Ok, good luck, holding her," she says taking a step. We slowly inch our way to Taylor. I tap her shoulder, she turns around reveling her tear-stained face.
"NOT YOU! MOMMY," she spits or yells in our faces, bad idea to be at her level.
"Taylor listen to me, we are going to bring you to Mommy, okay?" I say but she turns around and ignores me.
"Taylor, Taylor, Taylor," Liz and I chant, but it's not working.
"Ok I will get Jen, be right back," I say before sprinting off. There is like a million ideas in my head.
"Jen, Jen, Jennifer, Jennifer Shader Lawrence," I says and she turns around.
"What, what did you find her?" She says very, very concerned. Aww, she's becoming very motherly. Back to the point.
"Yeah outside in the front. Be careful she won't even let me touch her," I say, but she is already gone at outside.
"Aright never mind," I say under my breath.

Jen's POV
Outside. Where outside? Did she tell me, I don't know. Whatever. I will find her though. Oh there she is, and there's Liz. Liz comes over, quickly. And I never see her run.
"Jen what's the problem?" She says with concern.
"Can I explain when I get Taylor to stop?" I ask, mainly cause I want to explain it once not 17 hundred times.
"Sure, let's go get her to come inside," she says, just then Taylor throws up. Here we go again. I go and get her after I tell Liz to get a bath started and build a nest in my trailer. I tap her shoulder and she turns around. I scoop her up careful not to get throw up on my costume. These stupid bob-the-builder outfits. She got must of it on the ground or her shirt. I carry her bridal style to the door, abs set her down. I strip her to her diaper, and pick her back up with one hand and the one has her clothes. We go straight to my trailer. I go in and there is Willow, Liz, and Juliane. I walk past them, I really need Taylor to not get worse first. I set Taylor down throw her clothes in the bathroom sink, take off her shoes and diaper then carefully set her in the bath. I strip out of my Bob-the-builder jumpsuit, I have on skinny jeans and a t-shirt under, that's what I call a rebel. Just kidding. I am back in like 2 mins. I give Taylor a bath more like a soak. They just stand around not saying anything. I dress Taylor in just a diaper, she is still a little warm. I wrap her in a blanket, give her her special blanket. But she throws up still, before closing her eyes, now I am ready to explain, I ask Willow to get the boys and Francis. Then I begin with the day it started, skipping Christmas, then explaining what happen today. Once they understand, they all say, okay or nod their heads. They understand and aren't pitiful to Taylor but sympathetic. Which is nice, I spend the day with Taylor, she sleeps, can't hold much down, the orange juice must be helping. But Francis is nice enough to stop my scenes till Taylor gets better. Which could be like 3 hours or days. It's hard for me to see her sick, it kinda pains me too. I don't like seeing her throwing up, or being sick. But this is life, sadly this will happen a lot with Taylor. Everyone else finishes filming, I load the car with the things I original brought for Taylor to play with, but I ended up playing with them when I was watching her. I went back to get my sleeping baby, who was curled up in a fuzzy blanket, peacefully sleeping. Adorable till I remember why she was sleeping like this. I picked her up, in a cradling way, and walked to the car. We all have drivers, so I tell him to take me to the apartment complex.

Have you ever had someone in your life ill or sick for a long time?
I did. One of my parents had cancer, but survived.

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