16: Working

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Josh's POV

Starting the ignition to my pickup, I back out of my driveway on my way to Jen's house to pick up Taylor. Jen formulated this big plan for people to watch Taylor while she films American Hustle for a month. This week she's staying with me because I have this week off. Next it's Willow and finally Jen's brother Ben. 

I'm nervous because I don't think Taylor really likes me so this is gonna be a difficult week. I pull up on Jen's driveway no more than twenty or so minutes later. I see them both sitting by the front door waiting for me. Taylor had a tear stained face and Jen seemed to also be having a rough morning. 

I walk up to the door and don't bother knocking seeing as they already know I'm here.

"Good morning," I say trying to cheer them both up. 

"Good morning. Thank you so much," Jen greets me. 

"No problem. I have the week off so I might as well do something productive," I laugh. 

"Where would you like this?" she asks.

"In the back," I say grabbing the car seat from the pile of stuff. Taylor has one bag so not that much stuff, well plus her medical stuff and a portable crib. It takes Jen and me twenty minutes to strap in this pain in the butt car seat. That thing really sucks, why don't we invent easy to use car seats. 

Last but not least, we have to coax Taylor into the car after Jen says goodbye. 

Jen's POV

"Hey, Baby girl," I whisper lifting Taylor on my hip. "It's time for you to go. Josh is gonna watch you for a week. You guys are gonna have so much fun," I say kissing her cheek.

"Mommy," she clings to me. 

"It's okay, I'll be back really soon. Can you please go with Josh?" I ask. She clings to me tighter. "Taylor, Please?" I say wiping a falling tear. 

I detached her from myself before strapping her in the backseat. I thank Josh and explain to him her medical stuff before they leave. 

Josh's POV

Once we pull into my driveway, I unhook Taylor from her car seat before quickly grabbing her suitcase and crib. I take her hand and lead her into the family room before turning on the TV for her. We watch a few episodes of Disney channel shows before she asks for her Milky. I quickly take the opportunity to try and connect with her. 


It's been four days and she's been more open and not so cranky or mad at me. I'll call that improvement. Her favorite thing to do is call Jen but we can't do that twenty-four hours a day so it's very hard to keep her occupied and happy. 


Today's the last day, Taylor leaves today. We've grown closer but we've also had quite a hard week. Separation is something you never want to do to a child who truly loves their parent. I have to drop her at Willow's early today. Willow usually lives in New Mexico, but she has been here since Taylor's party. I quickly load the car before waking up Taylor and feeding her breakfast. The worst thing about having a little kid around is that I never baby proofed my house so I have to be with her twenty-four seven or make sure she's contained somewhere I know is safe. 

Willow's POV

Jen's adorable little girl is staying with my dad and I this week. We offered to watch her a few months back when Jen was trying to figure out a plan. I love little kids so for me it seems like a blast. 

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