33: Josh is here

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Sorry about the update problems. This one is longer.
Jen's POV
I wake up to my stupid alarm. Even though it plays music instead of a beeping noise it is still stupid. It's stupid enough to wake me up at 5 am. I don't even want to be up at this time, why world why is 5 am so quickly.
5:10, another. I better get up or I never will. I roll out of my bed and head to the shower. I forget that the water needs to warm up, when I get in after I undress. It was freezing cold. Well I am awake. I shower, get dress in black skinny jeans and a white sweater. It's really cozy. I go make breakfast more like look for it. Till I remember that the set makes us breakfast, now. That one more thing to lighten the morning.
Time for Taylor to get up. So I go to the room that has the nursery theme. It's baby pink with black furniture. It's pretty but not as much as her real room is. I slowly open the white door, this one luckily doesn't creek. The crib is in the back of the room, I quickly and silently fly over there, Katniss has taught me so much. It's like hunting pace.
"Ok Jen you shouldn't be thinking like that. You aren't hunting your daughter that would be weird, and wrong," I say to myself in a low whisper.
I look down, and she looks up. She is already awake. I reach down and lift out of the crib, above the prison bars.
"Morning" I say to her. She rubs her eyes and yawns.
"Hi," she says, her talking is getting better not perfect.
"Let's check your diaper, get dress and leave," I say lifting her so I can check. She stinks.
"Someone made a stinker," I say when I turn her around. Her eyes meet mine and she has the uh oh look on her face. I start laughing and she joins in.
I go the changing table, strip off the old one, clean her up down there, and replace it with a new one. She only wears a shirt and a diaper to bed so I don't have to worry about trying to get the pants back on.
"All done," I say standing her up on her legs.
"Yay!" She says throwing her hands in the air, "kitty, kitty." We had Chaz-Bono sent to us last month.
"Yeah, what does a kitty say?"
"Meeee-oowww," she says confidently.
"Yup," I say taking her off the table. I set her on the ground and she goes to play with Chaz-Bono. Hopefully they won't get in to anything. I go to the kitchen and get Taylor's medicine ready. There not that much to drink per day, so she is usually fine, I think. She doesn't complain. I usually mix it in with milk or something. I don't think she notices.
"Taylor, come get you milk," I yell out, she is somewhere here.
"Here," she says planting her feet after jumping in front of me. I hand her a pink sippy cup with a purple lid, she gladly takes it and drinks it.
"Let's go get ready, we have to be there in a half and hour," I put her up and bring her to her room.
"You can play or something, I am gonna go get ready, I will be right back," I say and I walk out leaving the door open. I jump in the warm shower, get dressed in some blue caprices and a solid white shirt. I really don't care what I wear cause I don't even wear it all day. I pull my hair in a high ponytail. And go back to Taylor's room.
I walk in and she is staring off in space just drinking from her sippy cup.
"Hey, Tay, ready?" That will probably be her new nickname.
"Yeah," she stands up and comes over to me. I am to lazy to change her clothes, so she is going in this t-shirt and a diaper. And probably a coat, doesn't it matter is ifs mind or her's. Hope not, I will bring both, I left her bag by the front door. I have diaper stuff, extra clothes, medicine, and small toys in my trailer.
"Ok let's go," I pick her up, grab two coats by the front door. Put her's on her, mine on me. Her's is a light purple snow coat and mine is a black trench coat. I grab her, again, her bag, that she got for Christmas and my purse.
I meet Sam in the elevator, his wife went home to check on some things. She suppose to come back tomorrow. Time to take on the fans and Paps, also we go to Germany really soon. First we need to finish up a few things.
"Hey," he says.
"Hey yo," I say dancing a bit. I not that good at it though.
"Hellwo," Taylor joins in.
"Hello to you too," Sam says in a very heavy English accent, more than he usually has. Taylor laughs at this and I do too. We make it to the lobby level, Sam and I prepare ourselves, Taylor is still a little confused.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Ready." He replies.
We meet security at the door, and walk out together, Taylor looks around for confused and kinda scared.
"It's ok, just smile, or you can go to sleep,"
"I pretend sleewp," she says and lays her head down.
"Ok," I say and smile at that remark. I look up to hear my name being yell, as well as Sam's. We both look up and smile. Almost there, almost, in, the, car. And I made it. I set Taylor in first, since the car seat is on that side. I climb in, buckle her up, then Sam gets in. We all buckle our seat belts, and keep our heads low, as they get more pictures. Last month, we blacked out Taylor window, but you can still tell that there is flashes.
We make it to set and begin right after we are all in costume and through hair/makeup. Today we are doing the scenes where Katniss sees Peeta on tv. It's not only heartbreaking for my character but me too. It's terrible. Josh isn't here, I am crying both because of the menthol and my real self.
We were finishing up on of the last scene of the day, we get a four day weekend because of Valentine's Day, yay. I have an anniversary that I get to celebrate. Taylor, I have known her- February 13, 2013- for a year tomorrow.
Back to what we were doing, it's the middle of the scene. I was using menthol because I couldn't cry all day long. I think I imagine it but Josh steps out from behind the screen and comes over to hug me. I am so shocked, I can feel this, am I imaging?
"Josh?" I muff in his ear.
"Yeah Jen?" He says stepping back.
"Are you real?"
"No I am a ghost only you can see me. Don't tell. I know you miss me so I can to see you. The rest can't see me," he says and uses his finger to show the shush sign.
"Really?" I say believing him. Then Sam comes over and must be confused.
"Jen what are you doing? Hello, earth to Jen?" He says waving his hand in front of my face.
"What? Sorry. Yeah,"
"Let's go we are leaving," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me to my trailer so I can change. Josh follows us. Sam opens the door, pushes me in and shuts the door.
I hear laughing and Liam talking to Sam probably cause no one knows that Josh's ghost is here. I change in to a white sweater that says genius in black letters and jeans. I slip on some black boots, and gather Taylor and I's stuff. Before I open the door I hear, "Josh so do you think she fully believes you." What, oh, shit. I fell for it again. I fling open the door and march over to the boys.
"Sorry Jen but is was to easy to pass up," Josh apologizes.
"But how did you key in everyone else?"
"I told them this morning or snuck around and told them," Josh says with a smirk.
"So you have been her the whole time. Why haven't I seen you?"
"I have been with Willow and Taylor. Ever wonder why you haven't seen her, cause I thought she would tell you," he says with a grin.
"Meanie. You guys are so so mean," I whine.
"Yup now what are we doing this weekend?" Liam says.
"Nothing, I have a wife, people and a life," Sam says.
"Ouchy," Josh says pretending to be hurt, by covering his heart. We all laugh at his pouty face.
"First I have a mother-daughter day tomorrow. And I am free the rest,"
"I am free all the time," Josh says.
"Me too bro, let's do something without these losers," Liam says calmly.
"Hey, I am definitely not a loser."
"Yeah bro, I ain't but Jen might be," Sam adds.
"Whoa, rude," I say and go find Willow.
"Hey, Taylor!" I yell outside.
"Me?" She replies.
"Yeah, let's go, the boys are being mean," I say and herd her and Willow inside.
"Thanks Willow," I say giving her a hug.
"No problem, it's better having someone to hang out with. Who doesn't have to film constantly," Willow says.
"Yeah," is all I can say.
"Now that everyone is older than me," she says looking down, then up at me with a smile.
"Did you see your surprise?" She says.
"You knew too bitch, oops. Taylor did you hear me," I say, thinking goddam it.
"No, why," pronounced more like I than why.
"Hey," Willow says defensively.
"I am just kidding. And I love it. Thanks," I tell her. Taylor and I leave together and head back to the apartment. Her new thing is to pretend to sleep, so she doesn't see the Paps, and more importantly they don't take pictures of her.
Do you guys have family or friends who live far away? And you don't see them a lot but you still have a great relationship.

My cousins live 8 hours from me. I see them once a year at thanksgiving.

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