26: Christmas Eve

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Old Picture of Jen and Bear (Cody)

Taylor's POV

It's Christmas Eve according to everyone, who keeps saying merry Christmas. I woke up at some time this morning, and waited for Mommy to come get me. I didn't want to wake her. So I just quietly talked to Teddy, bear-bear, and Bella. (A/n I don't know if I set names for her stuff animals but these are then for now on out. I might not remember them or even use them).
Grandma woke up and came to get me. She said "My Mommy was tired and doesn't wake up till about 10:00, and we had to wait about 3 hours for her." She set me on the ground and let me to the kitchen. I had some bread with syrup, it was yummy.

Then Papa took me to help him carry presents to the tree. I carried 2 boxes at once if I didn't have my blanket. He carried a lot.

Once we got done, I went to check on Mommy. I couldn't open the door so I got uncle Blaine to help, he said "No, we aren't going to wake up Jen. She will be angry." So I tried myself. Jumping up and down, for a long time. Eventually, I gave up and just sat down, curled up and cried.

Jen's POV

I woke up when I heard crying. I slowly sat up, in the darkness that had little cracks of light coming through the windows around the blinds. I turned on the light and walked over to the crib, and Taylor wasn't there. What? What happen? I went to the door and opened it. She fell in to the room, and look up at me.

"Hello, baby," I said smiling.

"Hi mommy" she said getting up. I picked her up and brought her to the kitchen, I am hungry.

"Merry Christmas!" I said happily and probably over-excited, "Want something to eat?"

"I ate. Merwy Christwas!" She said. I laughed at her miss pronunciation.

"What time is it?"

"Youw awake," she said giggly.

"Oh really," I said and looked at the clock," it's 10:24."

"Yeawh," she said being sassy.

"Ok," I said walking around with her. I was looking for my mom she must have left me food somewhere.

"Mom! Mom! Mommy," I yelled.

"What, Jen," she yelled back from somewhere.

"Where's breakfast?" I yelled again.

"In the fridge!" She yelled.

"Ok thanks" I yelled. I tried to set Taylor down, but she hung on. So I just kept carrying her, while heating up my breakfast.

"French toast! Yay!" I said. Taylor smiled.

We spent the day watching Christmas movies in our pajamas till about 4:30. My whole family was going to church. And Taylor was going for the first time. I gave Taylor a bath, and put her in a red, Christmas dress. After I showered, I changed in to nice black pants and a red jeweled shirt, with a black sweater. Once everyone was ready, we loaded up and met up with Blaine at the church.

After church, which like an hour, we went to my parents' house for dinner. We had mashed potatoes, steak, carrots, green-beans, bread, and much more. And I ate it all. It was delicious.

Once we were famished, we went to the living room. The tradition is to open one present on Christmas Eve.

"Let's go oldest first," Dad said.

"Ok fine," I said, I liked youngest first because then I go third, last year I went second. But this year, Taylor is the youngest, then Cody, then me, Blaine, Carly, Ben, Mom, and Dad. So this year it's backward.

Dad opened my gift to him, which was a new computer, his old one crapped out. Mom opened Blaine's gift which was the new kindle fire. Ben opened his gift from Cody which was a Bass-pro gift card, for fishing, and hunting stuff like that. I hate fish.

Carly got some clothes. I got "The Bachelor" on dvd and also "Once upon a Time" (a/n I don't think Jen watched this but it will play a part later). From me Cody got some trucks and cars. Last but not least, Taylor got the I-pod 4th generation, for music. I gave her a $100 music gift card. I have to spoil her she's mine.

We just sat there with a buzz in the room about tomorrow and Santa.
Yes, I know who he is, but Taylor just found out about him. I can't wait for her reaction tomorrow.

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Edited: 9-8-16

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