20: Premiere

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Taylor's POV

"Wake up sweetie," Mommy says shaking me.

I open my eyes and roll over, there she is. Smiling down at me, she cut her hair earlier so it's still odd to look at her. But I love her.

"Hi Momma," I say.

"Morning," she says.

"What are I doing today?" I ask.

"We have one more premiere tonight," she says lifting me up. Then she changes my diaper and we go down stairs. She eats some yellow-y things and I eat Cheerios!

I love Cheerios. Once we are done, we go play, or I play and she watches tv, I play with blocks and other toys. Then me and Chaz-Bono, play tag.

When I fell, mommy came and helped me up and made sure I was okay. But in the end, nothing stopped me.

When Mommas's show was over, we went outside on our new tramp, and did tricks. I flipped forward in the air without falling. She does some flip, with her hands and land on her feet. It was good. We jumped and jumped till our tummies hurt. We went in an ate sandwiches. Then grandma, papa, and uncle Blaine came over.

Also some people who I met, but don't know. Mommy disappears. Uncle Blaine comes and plays with me on the couch. He tickles me till I almost fall off the couch. Mommy comes back in a purple dress that's see through, as has a black thing under. I change in to a pink dress and white sandals. Grandma does my hair in pigtails. And makes them curly in a spiral, "according to her." The thing was too hot for me to touch. I think it is called a curling iron. Well either way, we get in the car, it's a short ride so I sit on Mommy's lap. She smells good, I can tell when I snuggle in to chest.

Very quickly we arrive, I get out and take Grandma's hand so I don't get lost, that happened once, I went over to these screaming people and a guy in a black suit told me I needed to stay on the other side of the barrier. So he picked me up and I yelled for Mommy, she came from the direction of flashes. And yelled at the man to put me down. She picked me up and went back to talking to people. I dozed on and off on her shoulder.

Well here we are the last one is what I hear. I see Willow and run up to her. I hear Grandma yelling at me to stop, but I ignore it. Willow turns and sees me, just in time for me to jump in her arms. She lifts me up so we see face to face. I smile big and so does she. I look over and see flashing lights, and am instantly blinded.

Sam's POV
I pull up and jump out at the last premier we have for Catching Fire. I help my beautiful wife out of the car behind me, then we head to the red carpet. After pictures, we meet up with the others.

"Sammy!" Taylor says running.

"Taylor!" I say picking her up, but set her down so she doesn't scream.

"Hiya Laura," Taylor says looking at my wife.

"Hi, sweetie," she says.

"Hey, there you are," Jen says behind me.

"Who me?" I ask.

"No, idiot, my daughter," she says.

"Duh," Taylor says and rolls her eyes. We all laugh.

"Hey yo," Josh says when he joins us.

"(H)ello," Liam says.

"So what do you guys want to after?" Jeffery asks.

"Sleep," I say.

"Eat pizza!" Jen says.

"Yay," Taylor says lifting her arms to Jen. Jen picks her up.
We all load in to the theater, and here goes the movie. Good movie, but I still don't like watching myself in anything.

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