41: Learning again

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Bear and his younger brother: Cody and Andrew

Jen's POV

Taylor woke up but doesn't even remember me. That makes sense of the confused look on her face. But why, why, we missed a year together and now we miss more because that stupid coma caused some memory loss.

"Josh can we re-teach her. Teach her about us, what she was like, who she was, what happened, how I attained her, everything. I want her to remember," I say trying to clam down.

"Yes, we will teach her, along with everyone else," he says into my ear while rubbing my back comforting like a friend.

The doctor says it could take up to a month, depending on how she progresses. Then she speaks up, "Who you?" Pointing to me then Josh.

"I am your mommy and this is my best friend Josh. You lost your memory. But you used to call him, Joshy. We call you Taylor," I say wishing more and more not having to explain to my daughter who I am.

"Joshy and Mommy," she says questioning.

"Yes, I am your mommy and he is your friend," I say referring to Josh.

"Mommy, Joshy," she says as if trying to remember.

Skylar's POV

I am on my way to see me step-cousin. I never met my father, but Blaine loves me and me him. We were like perfect family.

Also my aunt is famous, but I don't tell people cause they might make fun of me for "lying." I haven't ever met my new cousin, but her name is Taylor and she's been in a coma for a year.

It hurts Aunt Jen. And everyone else. Because me and mom never met her, we don't know the pain of it. Taylor just woke up and we are all driving to the hospital.

She's 3 and I am 9 now. I have 2 other cousins not including Taylor. They are Cody and Andrew. Cody is a little bit older than Taylor and Andrew was born about a few months ago.

We made it, I was staring off in space when my parents were talking and the music was quietly playing. We wait for Grandma and Papa and Uncle Ben and Aunt Carly.

They show up, I go over to Cody and start talking.
"Let's go in guys, time to meet Taylor," Uncle Ben says opening the door.

This didn't prepare up for what had happened.
We walked in, said Hi to the receptionist and walked to room 247.

Grandma and papa went in first, we didn't want to overwhelm Taylor. They came out with sad expressions on their faces. Same with my Aunts, and Uncles. Cody and I were last.

We walked in hand and hand. We both gave Josh and Aunt Jen big hugs, I could see tear stains, I though they were only happy tears. They weren't.

"Hi Taylor," Cody said, he had just turned 4 in January. We celebrated and this time Aunt Jen was there, but left soon after for award shows.
They were on tv.

"Hi, who?" Taylor said.

"I'm Cody. Your cousin," Cody said confused but no showing it. I was really confused, she should know him, he is her best friend, since they met 2 years ago.

"Mommy?" Taylor said but questionably. Why is she asking who people are, what? Aunt Jen must if noticed your confusion.

"Taylor hasn't lost memory of words and stuff, but people and memories of doing things together," she said choking up a little on the word People.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"Ok, why?" Cody said.

"When she woke up a side effect to a major coma is memory loss, she doesn't remember me, Josh, your mommy, your daddy, Skylar's parents, Uncle Blaine, grandma, Papa, you, Skylar, and even herself. No one, she remembers no one," Aunt Jen stops at that as tears slowly flow down her cheeks. I give her a hug, Cody joins and so does Josh.

"Who?" Taylor says.

"I am Skylar, your other cousin. You have three cousins Cody, Me, Andrew,"  I say, pointing out Cody and to the door for the rest.

"K," Taylor says.

Jen's POV

What am I gonna do? I have the oscars in a week, Taylor doesn't remember anything, but I can miss anymore time with out her. My daughter is way more important than an award ceremony. I am not going. I wasn't really planing on it in the beginning.

     ••A Week Later••

Taylor and me fly home tomorrow. She knows us by name and that's about it.

Thanks for the reads, votes, and lovely comments.


What happened when you met someone new you were related to? Like step-siblings, half-siblings, new born siblings and new  born cousins.

I met my new little brother, when I was like 2 so I don't really remember.

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