60: Brooklyn

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Taylor swift's POV
Today Austin and me are going to be detectives. For real. We are finding more information on Her. The Her to be exact.
We walk in to the hospital at exactly 1:00. We are here to find her birth certificate. And because Austin's name is on it so they should give him a copy. The original was burned or something. Either way when she died it was never found.
"Hi how may I help you?" The receptionist said.
"Umm yes, I'm looking for my daughter birth certificate, the mother lost it," Austin replied.
"Your not the mother right?" The lady points to me.
"Of course not he is my brother and the mother commit suicide," I say.
"Ok I'm sorry my mistake," the lady says, "one moment please I need to go get the copy off the printer." She leaves and I look at Austin, he's looks scared and nervous.
"I'm going to need you to verify your name," the receptionist says,"Can I see your I.D.?"
"Yeah," Austin says taking it out of his wallet. She looks it over comparing it with the name on the paper.
"Ok that's correct, here you go have a nice day," she says handing the paper to Austin. He folds of up before looking at it. We walk out the sliding doors and to my car. I open the driver side and start the engine while he buckles himself in the passenger seat. We drive home and gather together for a family meeting.
Mom, Dad and I all crowd behind or next to Austin on the couch. He opens the envelope slowly and gently, like it controls his life. It kinda does. He's been looking for her for a long time now. Ever since I was about 22 or 21 or maybe I was 23. I don't know. But it's been a long wait.
Austin's POV
This is it. Why didn't I think of this earlier? Whatever. Now I could be a giant leap closer.
I slowly open the envelope. And then pull out the papers. To see exactly what I wasn't expecting.
"Brooklyn Riley Swift, born August 13, 2011. 8 pounds, 14 inches," Taylor reads aloud.
"Well at least you know she has your name," my dad said.
"I'm sorry honey," my mom says giving me a hug. Both my parents know what Taylor and I were expecting because we have a group message labeled Her<3, we all text about new information that could find her.
"Wait, it can't be over, Taylor when is Taylor's birthday?" I say looking do a shed of hope.
"Um hold on let me check," Taylor says pulling out her phone.
"Why Austin?" Mom says.
"Because is it possible, that Her could have not been called her given name?" I say in hope.
"Yeah but a slim slim possibility," my dad says using his fingers as a representation.
"Still it's a chance, Taylor tell me what you got," I demand.
"Wow! You sound like Gibbs in NCIS, but either way, Jen hasn't responded," Taylor says.
"Ok I'll wait tell me the moment you hear about this, please," I say in a begging tone.
"Yeah, I promise," she says.
Taylor's POV
I think Austin has lost his mind. How could your name go from Brooklyn to Taylor? Who am I kidding? It probably isn't even Taylor.
Jen's POV
It's like 2 pm and my phone goes off during the Panel. Being the good girl I taught, Taylor brings my phone to me and says it's her. I say thank you and ask if she is planing to stay with me or go back to Willow. Willow has been babysitting her/watching her for the day. Taylor tells me she plans to leave and head off the stage.
"I'm sorry for the interruption," I say.
"It's fine, but while we are on the topic of Taylor, How's she doing?" The announcer asks.
"Great," I say quickly, I don't want Taylor to be in the public conversations and stuff. She's my daughter but it wasn't her choice to be in the public eye.
So far KimBerly624 and I-Am-Jess are in the lead for my quiz. I posted last update. The winner(s) will actually win something. Once I come up with it. The quiz winners will be posted on Friday 11-13-15. So take it before, btw you can take it twice, but indicate that is it the second time you take it when you put you name in.
If you could change your name and had to, what would it be?
I have no idea.

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