56: A Proper Easter

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Jen's POV
Today is April 5,2015. It's Easter. I woke up early and set out the stuff for Taylor. Now I am on my way to wake her up. It's like 8 in the morning. I also have no idea what I did about the holidays we missed when she was A in a coma and B I was working, I don't remember.
"Taylor, Taylor, honey it's time to wake up," I said and she groaned and rolled over so she wasn't facing me.
"The Easter Bunny came last night. He brought presents and candy," I said know how much she loved candy. She did get much candy ever, cause then she would be jumping off the walls. She quickly sat up, and rubbed her eyes.
"Reallwy, he brought candy," she ask looking up at me as if I was lying.
"Yeah, now let's go. I got you a present we need to go pick up after breakfast," I said. She stood up and leaped on to me, then wrapped her legs around me. It scared me a little, by it took only a second for me to wrap my arms around her and give her a kiss on the head.
"Happy Easter!" I whispered happily as I walked us out to the family room.
"What's Easter?"
"It's a holiday, made by the church. It's the day Jesus rose from the dead. We celebrate it each year according to the lunar calendar," I explain not simple enough though.
"It's a holiday because Jesus was risen from the dead,"
"Ok, " she replied convinced she understood.
"Let's have breakfast then we can go Easter egg hunting slash find your Easter presents. After that we can go get your surprise, I have planned," I say, as I set foot on the cold tile floor.
"Can we have frootloops!"
She shouts.
"Sure," I set her down.
"I'll get frootloops," she runs to the pantry.
"Ok don't drop them or spill them," I don't really remember where they are in there. I get down two bowls and two spoons, then the milk out of the fridge. I hear light jumping from the pantry and walk over to see little Taylor, staring up at the red box which way a little out of her reach. I laughed a little and she turned around.
"Could you help me?"
"Yeah, here you go," I say handing her the big red box. She smiles walking out of the little room.
"Do you want to pour the frootloops?"
"Ok put them in these bowls," I set them in front of her, she's on a barstool leaning on the counter. I turn around to get the milk from the other counter. When I turn back a see one bowl with a big mound and one with a small mound.
I laughed a little at it the asked, "Taylor sweetie, why does one of the bowls have so much cereal in it?"
"Cause you like to eat a lot more than me, so I gave you a lot,"
"Well I won't eat that much, honey. I appreciate it, but it looks like you feeding a jolly green giant," I say laughing a little at the end. I scoop handfuls back in to the bag in the box. Once it looked like a pile of cereal I would eat. I poured milk in to both bowls, handed Taylor a spoon and started eating.
We finished. Then "the Easter Bunny" sent Taylor on a wild goose chase to find her Easter present, which were in a closet. Next I timed her as she had to find 20 Easter eggs and then I made her find 11 pieces of random candy. Putting the numbers together, 2011 meaning her birth year. But she couldn't figure that out yet. I was very sneaky, and she had taken about a full hour to find it all. I helped a lot. Next we both got dressed in spring clothes. I had black skinny jeans and a pink top, she had a silky, simple, baby pink sundress that matched the pink flower on her black head band that I put in to pull her hair out of her face. We got in to car with security, and drove to the surprise. It started with Pet Smart. Yup you guessed it, or not. We are getting a dog or as Taylor says doggie. We walk in quickly and find a adorable little tan dog. So small Taylor can kinda carry him. Bonus he's already trained, mainly. She also told me I can name him. We get him a collar, with my number, the his name, our names both Jennifer and Taylor not our last engraved in a few tags. We put the engrave one, the shots one and one more on the collar.
We got a leash, food, small bed, a few toys, and than we had to pick up the dog after we purchased the stuff. 
I clipped the collar and leash to the tiny dog and gave it to Taylor. She was smart enough to hold on tight. Which was good, cause I didn't really want her to let go of the dog, plus I had the bags of toys and bed. Security carried the dog food, let's face it I can't carry everything and watch Taylor. I also learned paparazzi don't take holidays, so Taylor clung to my only fingers that weren't wrapped around bags.
Once we got to the car we loaded in the middle. Taylor in the car seat, me in the middle middle and a security guard on the other side of me. I put my head down, for less pictures and Taylor just petted the dog, which I still need a name for.
I though about the name all the way home. We got out and I took all the stuff from my security guards and set it on the elevator. I thanked the security people and we rode up the elevator.
"What are we going to call him?"
"I don't know,"
"Well I want you to pick, like you picked my name,"
"Oh sweetie remove the story of how we met? I didn't pick your name your birth parents did,"
"Oh yeah," she said and her sad face flashed a appearance. Great job she's sad on Easter is what I was thinking.
"I wonder who they are," she thought out loud in a loud whisper.
"Well I bet they are nice, and I came up with a name. It's really fun to say. Pippi, Pippi do you like it?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.
"Pippi?" Taylor said looking at the tiny dog. He wagged his tail in response.
"See he likes it," I said as the elevator dinged.
"Yeah he does, let's go play Pippi!" Taylor shouted and ran to the door with Pipi running after her and his tongue flying out of his mouth. I took my time and got the dog food and the few bags. I walked up to the door and gave Taylor the keys to unlock it.
She and the dog bounced in and ran off to play.
"Don't forget to unhook the leash!" I called after them. I put the dog stuff away, the dog bed was in my room. I don't want him to disturb her.
"Taylor let's feed Pippi," I call out to her, she comes running in with Pippi at her heels.
"Ok, what do we do?"
"Well we get the bowl and take a small cup of food. Then put in some water. We heat it up so its mushy and give it to him to eat," I said.
"Ok I'll help," she said helping getting some water in a cup.
It's only around 5:00 pm, the dog eats, we eat. We watch tv snuggled on the couch. Then I put Taylor to bed around 8:00pm her normal bed time.
"Happy Easter, I love you goodnight," I whisper before kissing her and giving her a hug. I pull up the covers to cover her shoulders. She has her bear-bear and blankie.
"Goodnight I love you mommy," she says before closing her eyes. I take Pippi to my room and make him stay in his bed.
What do you think of Jen's dog?
What's your favorite Easter memory, if you celebrate it?
I don't usually like small dogs but Jen's dog is adorable.
I love the Easter my family on my mom side get together and Easter eggs hunt in my Grandma's giant backyard.

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