30: Friends

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Cody's POV
We went home last night. And went to sleep. Now we go back to say bye bye to Aunt Jen and Taylor.
"Come on buddy, let's get you in the car," said Daddy picking me up.
"Ok," I say still wanting to go back to sleep and also wanting to be awake to say goodbye. We get in, Mommy in the front, with daddy after he straps me in. The car ride was silent by voices but loud with music. We get to grandmas and papas house. And all go to the door, Daddy opens it without knocking.
"Hello," he says loudly.
"Hello, Blaine. I am your worst nightmare," I don't know who says, but it wasn't me.
"Ahh," Blaine yells running downstairs.
"Oh it Blainey wainey sacred," my daddy says fake crying.
"No, something is after me," Blaine says back.
"Is is 3 feet tall or 5 feet tall?" Dad says.
"How should I know, I just ran?" Blaine spits out.
"So an engaged man is scared of their little sister or niece, wow. I thought you were tougher," Daddy says to him.
"Wait a minute, I am not 5 feet. I am definitely about 5 foot 9 inches, according to the doctor. I am taller than Josh," Aunt Jen says revealing herself from behind the door upstairs and talking off her hoodie.
"Haha. I caught you," uncle Blaine says.
"No Ben did," Aunt Jen says fights back.
"Did not," Uncle Blaine says standing his ground.
"Did too," Jen spits back. Daddy just walks to the kitchen. I follow. Same with Mommy.
Taylor's POV
I run around the backyard. Then I hear, aunt Carlie's voice.
"Hey Taylor," she says, "what ya doing."
"Playing," I say back isn't it obvious.
"Fun, well come help me get your Mom to stop bickering with her brother," she says holding out her hand I gladly take. We walk inside a hear then coming for the front room.
"Wait, hold on, did Ben say engaged?" Mommy yells.
"Uh no," he says and runs away. Mommy mutters something under her breath. Then I speak up.
"Hi, we food?" I ask skipping over to my pretty Mom.
"I don't know, let's ask grandma. Wow that's weird calling my mom your grandma," she says lifting me off the ground.
"Yay!" I say and clap my hands.
"Mom! Can we eat yet?" Mommy yells out.
"No, like 20 mins," Grandma yells back from the kitchen, I guess.
"Okay," Mom yells back, then says, " you heard her right, let's go play a game of something, while we wait," emphasizing we wait.
"K, up?" I say pointing upstairs to were the stuff we got yesterday was packed away in my new backpack and her suitcases.
"Alright, vamos," she says running upstairs with me. We get out her monkey and my giraffe. And play with them till it is food time.
Later than expected, we are called, we wash our hands, pray as a family, and dig in. Half way through the meal this happens.
"I have some news the not all of you know," Uncle Blaine starts while eying Uncle Ben.
"What?" Uncle Ben says defensively.
"You know what?" Blaine says explaining, not really.
"Hey I don't. Spill the beans Lainey," Mommy says very confident and irritated she didn't know.
"Hey, not nice. I am engaged and she has a daughter who is about 9 or 8," Blaine says as Mommy almost chokes, and gives Aunt Carlie the stink eye.
"Sisters don't keep secrets," is all Mommy states on that.
"They do if it's for their husband's brother," aunt Carlie simply says back.
"Two questions. One does she know about me? And was she divorced or widowed," mom says again.
"Widowed for the army and she doesn't know about you," he says smiling for other reasons.
"What's her daughter's name and hers?" Mommy says interrogating him.
"Her daughter's name is..." Blaine says.

A/n Hey, thanks for the support and answering my QC's. They are fun to read. Thanks for votes and tolerating my okay writing.

Jen's POV

We made it back to California and packed up again for Atlanta. We get a private plane "whoop whoop!" Time to film Mockingjay part 1 and part 2. Together for about 15 months on and off, so 15 months with my best friends. And we are almost to the airport with my nice security guards. There's four, Steve, John, Mark, and Jeff. Steve drives, and protect Taylor and I.

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