13:Teddy Imagine

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This is kinda gonna go into detail on the first preference I did on how you meet. So yeah...

"Be good, alright, Y/N?" your mother said as she dropped you off for your first day of kindergarten.

"Yes, Mommy," you replied dutifully, and rather quietly. "I love you." You looked up at her, your wide, innocent eyes brimming with tears.

She crouched down in front of you. "Oh, Sweetpea." She kissed your cheek. "I'll be back later to pick you up, okay? Just listen to your teacher and make some friends." She stood back up, waved to you, and left.

You walked into the classroom with a cautious and shy demeanor about you. You took small steps and looked around at the little, child-sized desks and chairs, looking for the name you recognized as your own.

Your mom had worked with you on your letters over the summer, and you could just barely read.

You found your seat and sat patiently for the class to start.

There were kids that were crying, kids that were screaming, kids that were having full out tantrums on the floor, but there was one boy, with shaggy blonde hair and glasses that looked a little too big, running around the classroom and jumping onto and off of desks.

You were a pretty well-mannered kid yourself, so you thought this kid was absolutely crazy. You noticed the teacher was hopelessly chasing the boy around.

"Theodore, please stop! Oh, don't jump off of there! Please just stop running," she cried. The poor woman's first day was already a disaster.

'Theodore' was still running around the room at breakneck speed but had et to crash into anything. That is, until he crash landed onto your desk and rolling into your lap.

He jumped up and smiled at you. "Hi! I'm Teddy Duchamp. My dad stormed the beach at Normandy," he informed you, like it was a normal conversation starter.

"Uh... My name's Y/N," you whispered, timidly. "And my dad ran away before I was born." It was true. You had heard your mom say something about it one time to your aunt.

He frowned and tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Why'd he do that? Was he scared of ya?"

"I don't know," you replied, a little confused yourself, but about what or where exactly was Normandy. "I guess he wanted to join the circus."

"That's cool!" Teddy exclaimed. "I wish my dad joined a circus. My dad goes to the doctor a lot, but I like when I get to see him."

"Why does he go to the doctor? Is he sick a lot?" you questioned. You quickly became comfortable around Teddy, so you just jabbered away.

"I dunno," he said shrugging. "My mom won't tell me. He just said that he needs help up here." He whispered and pointed to his head at the last two words.

You nodded, not quite understanding since you were 5, but you got the gist of it.

"Teddy, where are you sitting?" you asked, secretly hoping he would be next to you.

He looked at the desk next to yours. "Here." And he sat down.

"But does it have your name on the paper?" you asked, worriedly. You didn't want him to get in trouble.

"I think so, and who cares anyways? I wanna sit by you," he stated plainly.

I liked it. Idk about y'all, but yeah. I love little kids. They're like my favorite. I'm weird.... But aren't we all? Thank you for the reads and votes so far! It means the world. M'kay.


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