35: Gordie Imagine

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Suggested by ben-solo
Just thought I'd add that it takes place in modern day.

*Gordie's POV*

I parked my car in the back of the library where all the other employees parked. The sun shone directly into the car through the windshield. I had to squint as I got out of the car because of the brightness of the sunshine.

The library was fairly slow during the summer, especially at 9:00 in the morning. There were a couple of kids just eager to be out of the house for a while, and then there were those people that needed the free wifi.

I was in charge of re-shelving the books that have been checked back in.

I was making my way through the C's in adult fiction when I saw her.

She had beautiful Y/H/C hair and almost picturesque facial features that made her seem to have come right out of a fairytale illustration.

She was browsing the shelf opposite the one I was putting a couple books on.

Just to be able to talk to her, I cleared my throat a little. "Um, do you need help finding a book?"

The girl twirled around, a surprised look inlaid in her face. "What?" Realization struck. "Oh, no. I'm just browsing. I just moved from the town over, and I wanted to see what you guys had. Our library back home was amazing." Her eyes sparkled with every word of her memory. She seemed to have snapped out of her trance and stuck her hand out. "I'm Y/N."

I shook her soft, little hand. "Gordon, but most people call me Gordie. So have you found any books worth switching over?"

She glanced back at the shelf momentarily. She shrugged and sighed. "I hate to say it, but this place has my old library beat."

I laughed quietly, as to not get a dreaded hush from the roaming librarian. "Oh come on, is it really that hard to accept?"

"I guess not, but you know, loyalties," she replied. She had a small smile on her face; it was absolutely beautiful.

I nodded in agreement. "Right. I have to get back to my job, or I'm gonna get fired, but it was nice to meet you Y/N."

"Same here," she said, that cute little smile still on her face. "Oh, wait." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and, after fiddling with it for a second, handed it to me. "Put your number in."

I did as told and passed her phone back to her. "Lachance, huh? Nice last name."

I laughed. "Thanks. I guess, I'll see you around."

She gave me a little wave before turning back to the book shelves. I watched her a little longer through the spaces of the shelf in the next aisle over. Yes, I felt creepy, but it was too hard to not look at her.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see I got a text. It was from an unknown number, but once I saw the text, I smiled and blushed a little.

Hey, Lachance. I see you, the text read. I looked back through the space to see Y/N looking back at me, smiling. She waved again. I wave back, rather embarrassed.

I finished that aisle and kept going. My mind was still on that girl, now a couple aisles over, and I hoped I'd see her more often.

This was different. I don't think I've ever written an imagine entirely in the boy's POV, and I hope this turned out alright.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys! And thank you to everyone for reading, and commenting, and voting, and adding this book to your reading lists. It means so so so much! M'kay.


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