41: How He Asks You To Prom

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He asked you by leaving papers that each had a letter to spell out "prom?" The first on your locker, the second on your desk in your first class, the third one was sent to you from the office, and the last on your car, where he was waiting for you.

He didn't actually ask you. His date left with some of her friends 20 minutes in, and you had gone alone, so you two hung out together the whole time.

He took a book and blacked out parts of words and sentences to spell out "Y/N Will you go to prom with me?" He handed you the book one day and said you should read it.

He was simple and wrote a note. He made it into a paper airplane and threw it across the classroom to where you were sitting. Sure he got into some trouble, but he knew it was worth it.

I don't know why I just had prom on the brain, our school's prom was weeks ago. Oh well. This was kinda hard to do... But I think they're all pretty cute. M'kay.


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