133:Teddy Imagine for @80strxshcan

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For 80strxshcan

Teddy wiped his sweaty palms on his pant legs. He took a deep breath and parked the car. He practically bounced his way to your front door and knocked, then, again, wiped his palms on his pant legs.

You opened the door, smiling when you saw him. "Hi, Teddy."

He smiled, relieved. "Hi, Hayley. Are you ready to go?"

"I'm ready. Let's go."

You followed him to the car, hoping you wouldn't have a wardrobe malfunction. You had changed your outfit about ten different times before Teddy had come to pick you up.

Like a gentleman, he opened your door and closed it behind you.

As he drove, he glanced in his rear view mirror and frowned, messing with his hair a little. My hair looks stupid, he thought to himself. I hope she's okay with it.

"You need help with that?" You offered.

He nodded gratefully. "Yes, please."

You reached over, being careful not to block his view of the road as you fixed his hair for him. When you were done, you were surprised he didn't check it in the mirror.

"Don't you want to check it?"

He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. "As long as you like it, I'm fine with it."

Teddy brought you to a new place in town. It was supposed to be really cool, a teen hangout of sorts.

On your way in, Teddy grabbed your hand. You looked down at your interlocked hands, smiling.

"Is this alright?" he asked, looking nervous.

You noddd. "Mmhm."

When you two walked in, there was music blaring from a jukebox in the far side of the diner and several couples dancing over by it.

You two found a table and ordered, but when your food came, both of you were too nervous to eat. First date jitters.

Besides random comments about the menu, you two had hardly spoken since sitting down.

Teddy took a small bite of a French fry. "Um.. so, do you wanna dance?"

You made a face. "Is it cool if I said I didn't?"

He let out a relieved breath. "Thank God. I was kinda hoping you'd say no."

You laughed. "Then why'd you ask?"

"Well, if you wanted to, I would've, but I'm really not that good," he admitted. "And honestly, it's pretty lame."

"It really is. At least, whatever they're doing is." You nodded towards the dancing couples.

One couple was doing some crazy shaking thing, while another's moves mainly consisted of their arms swinging around. The others were just as weird, but not as easy to describe.

You both sat there laughing at the odd so-called "dancing" of your peers.

Teddy happened to glance at a clock and realized it was getting late. You needed to be home by 11, and it was already a little after 10. "You wanna head out? See what else there is?"

You nodded.

He paid for the food neither of you really ate, and you insisted on leaving the tip, adding a little extra for the amount of food you two had left.

When you two stepped outside, you took notice of his button-down shirt. "I like you shirt. The color suits you."

He looked down at it, like he had forgotten what shirt he was wearing, which he had. "Oh, thanks. Can you believe I didn't know what to wear?"

You almost laughed. "Believe it? I felt it. I went through like ten outfits before I decided on this, and this was the first thing I tried on."

You two got back in his car and just drove around. You stared out the window, amazed by the nightlife of what you had always assumed to be a boring town.

The downtown was brightly lit, no building without a light. You saw people of all kinds walking around the sidewalks, a few even in the street.

Teddy looked over at you, just happy that you were happy.

When he pulled up in front of your house, you were sad the night had gone away so soon.

"Did you have a good time?" he asked.

You smiled. "Yeah, I did. Walk me to the door?"

He unbuckled and hurried around to open your door. He held your hand, less nervously this time, as you two walked through the yard to the door.

"Goodnight, Teddy." You faced him and leaned closer.

He met you halfway and you two awkwardly found each other's lips, after bumping foreheads. The kiss was short and sweet.

He stood back up straight. "Goodnight, Hayley." He wiped his palms on his pant legs as he walked back to his car.

This may be based on "First Date" by blink-182... I needed inspiration and that's apparently what drew me. I hope you like it! Thank you for requesting! M'kay


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