97:Chris Imagine for @riverjudehaimx

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For riverjudehaimx

"I'll be right back, guys," Chris stated, standing up from his place on the couch. "But keep on playing."

There were a couple "alright's" and "hurry up's" as he walked down a hall to the bathroom.

"Lisa, it's your turn," Gordie reminded everyone.

There was a group of you, a couple of your girlfriends, Lisa and Beth (idk if you have friends w these names but you do now), Vern, Gordie and Chris. Teddy had been playing too, but he went outside with some other guys at the party to do whatever. You guys were playing Truth-or-Dare, a classic.

"Hmm..." Lisa looked around the remaining group before her eyes landed on you. "Kali, truth or dare?"


"Is it true..." Her lups pursed in thought. "Is it true that you like Chris?" She giggled at her own question, as did Beth.

You felt blush creep up the back of your neck to your cheeks. It was true, but you had never told anybody. "How did you know?" was your instant response. Your eyes went wide, and you clamped your hand over your mouth. "Gosh dangit! I meant, no. I don't." You tried to keep a poker face but failed.

The whole group laughed.

Beth patted you on the arm. "You can't lie now. You already admitted it."

You panicked slightly. "Okay so what? I like him." You crossed your arms across your chest. "But you better not tell him or I will personally find each of you and kill you."

"I'm pretty sure premeditated murder is illegal, Kali," Gordie chuckled.

You rolled your eyes. "Let's just get on with the game." You looked around quickly. "Vern, truth or dare?"

*The Next Day*

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah man. Kali has a huge crush on you," Gordie assured his best friend.

Chris shook his head in disbelief. He'd liked Kali for years now, but he never thought that she'd ever like him back.

"So what're you gonna do, Chris?" Gordie asked.

Chris thought for a minute before answering. "I've got a plan."

*Two Hours Later*

You were sitting through another boring lesson in Algebra when the intercom beeped on. A familiar voice came through the crackling speakers.

"I have a message for Kali Y/L/N," you sat up straight, knowing all eyes were on you, "I just wanna let you know that I like you too, and-" There was muffled arguing before the intercom cut off, and you were left trying to figure out who it was on your own.

You racked your brain trying to think who it could be. You knew the voice, but you still couldn't place it.

The whole class was whispering and discussing what had just happened, many of their eyes glancing at you occasionally.

At the end of class, nearly all the girls were swarming you with questions, and you had to just duck and walk as fast as you could.

As you passed the office, you ran into someone leaving the office. You mumbled "Sorry," and just glanced up to see a smiling Chris. "Hey."

"Hey," he returned. "I'm guessing you heard the announcement." He looked somewhere between hapoy and worried.

You blushed. "Yeah. I don't know who it was though."

He laughed, which kind of confused you. "I guess my voice isn't that recognizable, huh?"

Your eyes widened. "Someone told you, didn't they? I swear, nobody can keep a secret." You felt so embarassed and relieved at the same time.

"I'm gonna do my informant a favor and not tell you who it was," he replied.

You looked into the office window. "Did you get in a lot of trouble?"

He shrugged. "Nah, nothing too bad." He looked down at his shoes, but you could still see the sweet smile and blush across his face. "But it would've been worth more trouble, if it meant I could still tell you how I felt."

You leaned closer to him and kissed his hot, red cheek. "Thank you."

I'm soooo soooo sorry at how late this is! I hope you can forgive me and that you like it. I will try to get to writing more this week. M'kay.


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