120:Babysitting BSM Preference

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Requested by ranga488

Basically you're a small child and he's your older brother and he has to watch you or something similar.

Chris: your age-1 year
Chris woke up to your crying. He had fallen asleep in your room after having to put you to bed. Your mom had left for the weekend, and your dad was passed out drunk. He smiled at you, still visibly sleepy. He picked you up and bounced you, patting your back. "Shh.. Y/n. Just go back to sleep.. shhhh." He pressed his lips to the top of your head. You finally stopped crying, slowly falling back to sleep. He laid you back down into your crib, sighing. He sat down on the floor next to you and watched you through the bars of the crib. "Goodnight, Y/n." (I want Chris to be my older brother..)

Gordie: your age-3 years
"Gordie, watch Y/n. Your mom isn't feeling well, and I need to take care of some stuff outside." Gordie nodded, deciding to find you. He saw you playing in your room as he walked past, but luckily, you had seen him. He crouched down at one side of the doorway, where he could peak in. Your back was to him from this angle, so it was too easy. He tiptoed a little closer to you before grabbing your sides and hollering. You jumped. After realizing it was your brother, you pouted. "That was mean, Gordie." He tried not to smile to seem sincere, as he pulled you onto his lap. "Aw, I'm sorry, Y/n." Your frown quickly dissipated, and you kissed his cheek. "That's alwight."

Vern: your age-2 1/2 years
"Why do I have to watch Y/n?" Vern complained. "Because Billy left before I could ask him, and I need to do some cleaning. Now go, she's playing outside." He sulked out the door as he found you toddling around the backyard. "Y/n, stay in the yard, okay?" You just looked at your older brother, not really understanding. He shrugged and sat down on the back steps of the house to watch you, but you being a baby, you got into trouble fairly soon. You grabbed a handle full of grass and dirt and tried to eat it. Vern jumped up. "No! Y/n that isn't food!" He kneeled down next to you, swiping any dirt out of your very slobbery mouth. You smiled. "Eeeat, Vun," you babbled before shoving the handful of dirt at Vern's mouth. He swatted your hand away, pulling the mound out of your hand and spitting any dirt that had made it into his mouth. "Gross. No. That's not food." He sighed. He had his work cut out for him. (That was long oop)

Teddy: your age-2 years
"'Eddy!" You squealed. "'Eddy! Where you at?" You ran into his room, not bothering to knock. You gasped, excitedly. "'Eddy! There you is." He looked at you, not sure whether to be annoyed or amused. "Y/n, my name is Teddy. Teh-dee." You gave him a confused look. "'Eddy, you silly." He shook his head, smiling at your undeveloped language, and picked you up. "Come on, kiddo. Let's go find Mommy." You protested, hitting his chest. "No! No Mommy! Wanna stay wif you!" He gave in, but that happened with you a lot. He couldn't say no to you. "Okay. Come on. I think I saw some toys in the living room."

Ace: your age-3 1/2 years
"No, I can't today... Yeah, I have to babysit." Ace hung up, looking frustrated, a scary look to you. He saw you watching him and quickly smiled. "Hey, Y/n. Are you hungry?" "Yeah! I want a peanut butter and jelly sammich." He nodded. "Okay then." He fixed you both lunch. As you two ate, you asked him about a million questions, which had they been from anyone else would have annoyed him, but he was a softie when it came to you. "John-john, do you have a girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow at you. "How do you know what a girlfriend is?" You shrugged. "I dunno." "No, Y/n, you're the only girl in my life." (I don't even like Ace but I love this and Jon Jon is actually my little brother's nickname for himself)

Eyeball: your age-2 years
"Wake up, you're watching Y/n today," your mom shook him, you bouncing on her hip. She sat you down on his bed and quickly left his room. You poked at his face a couple times before he actually opened his eyes, looking a bit annoyed. "Ugh.. Come on, baby girl." He smiled as he picked you up and sat you on his blanket covered lap. He sleepily bounced you, keeping you entertained. "Bubba.." you started. "Yes?" "I fusty." He nodded. "Okay. Let's go get you some juice, alright?" You clapped happily. "Yay!" He swung you onto his back, giving you a piggyback ride all the way into the kitchen.

Billy: your age: 7 months
"Billy, can you feed Y/n for me please? There's a bottle for her on the counter. I just really need sleep right now." "Sure, Mom." Billy took you from your mother after he grabbed the bottle. He cradled you in his arms, scared he might drop you. "God, she's so little." He put the bottle in your mouth, laughing as your mouth moved to meet the nipple of the bottle. He sat down because he really did not want to drop you. He turned to you two's sleepy mom, sitting in her rocking chair. "I don't remember Vern being this little." She laughed tiredly. "He wasn't. He was the biggest of any of you, but you were a tiny thing. Smaller than her." Your oldest brother gazed down at you still eating, or rather drinking your food. Billy went to ask another questiom, but your mom had fallen asleep, so he just focused on you, lying there all little and cute.

Charlie: your age- 4 years
"You wanna.. watch tv? I think there's cartoons on today," Charlie suggested. He'd never been left alone with you before, so he was desperate. You made a face. "No, I wanna play dress up." You smiled mischievously, grabbing his hand. "Come on." He reluctantly followed you into the bathroom. You took a box out from under sink and started pulling out your mom's makeup. "Um, Y/n, I don't think you need to be messing with this stuff." You rolled your eyes, something you had learned from him. "Please, Charlie! I wanna do makeovers," you begged, sticking out your bottom lip. He wasn't sure what to do, so he relented. It's safe to say, your parents came home to a very colorful Charlie and innocent looking you.

I hope this is what you wanted. I really enjoy BSM stuff. They're so cute! Anyway, thanks for the preference request. Omg guys this was my last request!! I'm always taking them but i've had several back up and I'm finally done with them. Oh my gosh! M'kay.


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