68: Gordie Imagine for @80sbella

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For 80sbella (i was tempted to write 'for Gordie' in the title)

You ordered your soda and fries and sat down at the counter of the diner. You glanced towards the door and noticed the kid that had been basically following you around town walk in. You turned back around and smiled a little to yourself.

The brown haired boy, who looked a couple years younger than you, slipped onto the stool next to you. His hair was cut to have bangs just at his eyebrows, and he had big, brown eyes. He looked familiar, but you couldn't figure out why.

He looked over at you. "Bella, right?" he asked.

You were taken aback. "Un, yeah. Do I know you, kid?"

"Your Vern's older sister," he stated like it was new to you. "I've been friends with Vern since about the 2nd grade. I've spent the night at your house a couple times."

You hit your forehead. "Duh. Right. Gary? No, Gro- Gor- Gordon? Gordon, right?" you checked.

He nodded, smiling at the many tried it took. He was kind of cute when he smiled like that, at least from what you noticed. A basic observation.

You two sat there talking for a while. For a kid, he was pretty smart. And cute, but you tried to push that thought away. You were 14, two years older than him. That's weird.

"Gordie, let me ask you something, an you have to answer honestly," you emphasized the last word.

"Go ahead." He looked at you curiously and slightly nervous.

"Were you following me today?" you asked, a smile on your lips.

His eyes widened a fraction, and his cheeks went pink. He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah... I mean, I saw you, and you looked really familiar.... And pretty. I had to. Sorry if I weirded you out, Bella."

You were blushing now. "Oh, Gordie, that's sweet, but you do realize I'm two years older than you?"

He gave you a confused expression. "I don't see why that matters. I like you, and your age nor my age have anything to do with it." To punctuate his statement, he slammed his lips onto yours and quickly drew up again, looking surprised by his own actions.

You were smiling like crazy.

"I didn't-" he started, but you cut him off by copying his previous doing and kissed him.

You pulled away smiling even bigger. "I like you too, Gordie. But, uh, let's not tell Vern, okay? I don't think he'd take it very well."

He agreed, and you two paid for your food, he insisted to pay for yours, and it took much argument, but he finally succeeded.

"Thanks Gordie," you said as he walked you out of the diner. "For talking with me, for paying and all that."

He smiled. "Pssh, that's nothing. I guess I'll see you."

You smiled back and pecked him on the cheek. "Not if I see you first."

You two walked your separate paths home, glancing behind yourselves every once and a while just to see each other.

You had a huge, goofy smile on your face the whole way home.

I hope you like it, Gordo! (That's weird, you wanna be w yourself?? 😂) Whatever, I won't judge, I love Gary, so I have no room to talk anyway. If you don't like the imagine, just tell me. M'kay.


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