59: Vern Imagine

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Y/NN= your nickname
"Vern, which dress should I wear?" You held up a dress in each hand. "The green one? Or the pink one?"

He pursed his lips and tapped his finger against them in thought. "Hmm... The green one. It suits you better."

You smiled at your best friend. "Thanks, Verno. This means a lot."

"So, where's Hal taking you?" Vern asked, disgust obvious in his voice.

You shot him an amused but stern look. "His name is Calvin, Vern, and he's taking me to a play."

"Oh, that sounds sooo interesting," he commented sarcastically.

You sighed. "Yeah. I know, it's pretty boring, but he's higher class. It's what they do."

Vern huffed. "What's wring with our class? I like it pretty good, and we get to do stuff that's actually fun."

You had started to slide the dress on over your slip. "Zip me up, will you?"

Vern got up and zipped the dress up.

You walked over to your vanity and sat down. You began pinning your hair back, or at least the front. When your hair was situated, you began on your make up.

Vern looked at the various cosmetics in distaste. "What the heck is all this crap anyhow?"

"That's foundation; that's blush; this is eyeshadow, and this here is lipstick; and lipgloss...." You went on, pointing to each one as you named it.

Vern looked at you through the vanity mirror questioningly. "You're not wearing all of that, are you?"

You pursed your lips and frowned slightly. "And why not?"

"Well, if Dillon-"


"Right, right. If Calvin only ever sees you with your face done up  like a porcelain doll, how's he supposed to know if he really likes your face or not? You're not really you without your face. Plus, you look pretty good without all this trampy stuff." He blushed at the last part, as did you.

"Oh Vern," you turned in your chair and looked up at him. "You sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself."

He smiled. "Nah, just you, Y/NN."

You stood up and kissed his cheek. "What would I do without you?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. Live your life as a high class clown, knowing nothing but painted faces and funny plays," he stated drammatically.

You rolled your eyes as you sat back down. You just put some eyeliner and lip gloss on. You looked at Vern through the mirror again. "Better?"

He smiled. "Eh, I guess. We'll take small steps."

A car horn honked outside.

You looked around for your flats. "That's Calvin! Oh Vern, how do I look?"

He looked over you once, slowly. "You look beautiful, Y/N. Now go. Have fun at that play, and tell me how ling it took you to fall asleep."

You laughed as you grabbed your handbag and ran to the door. "Bye, Verno! Thank you for everything!" You smiled at him one last time before rushing out the door.

Vern stood where you left him, sadly thinking to himself why it wasn't him you had been getting ready for. He sighed before grabbing his keys and getting in his car. He drove home thinking of you the whole way.

Go-lly I'm sad now... Alas, they can't all have the happy predictable ending or else no one'd read it. Hope y'all liked it!

This my last week in Pohnpei, and I'm really sad bc I feel like I haven't really gotten to do anything with my family (besides get mad at my brothers and cousins, and cry bc my mom insists on telling me shit to make me cry), and I hate leaving places. But i have to go back for school and of course, the other half of my family. Oh well. M'kay.


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