58: Chris Imagine part 3

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Suggested by I can't remember. If twas you, pls tell me.

Since that day, you started riding the bus with Chris everyday. Despite you both being aware of your feelings for each other, it never seemed awkward between you two nor did it really go anywhere from you two becoming friends.

You got on the bus on Monday morning, tired and irritated that it was Monday. You sat down next to Chris, who looked pretty tired himself. You absently nodded in acknowledgement at him which he returned.

"Morning," he greeted, his voice groggy but pleasant. "You look tired. Didn't get much sleep?"

"Nah, my parents were yelling at each other. It doesn't happen often," she added quickly at Chris alarmed look. "Sometimes, they just get tired of silently 'dealing with it,' you know?"

"Yeah," he nodded.

"What about you? You don't look so bright-eyed and bushy tailed yourself," you commented, giving him a smile.

"Yeah, oh well, my mom left for her sisters again yesterday, so the kids were up crying last night, and my dad was screaming at them, which only made the crying worse." He rubbed his head. "But never mind about that."

You looked at him sadly. "Chris, you can come over to my house if you ever need to. Like when things get too much, just come over."

"Thanks, Y/N," he replied, smiling. He looked down at his beat up high tops before looking back at you. "I really like you, and I was wondering if you'd like to maybe- well..."

You looked at him questioningly, anticipating what he might say. "I'd like to what?"

"Be my girlfriend," he answered quickly. The back of his neck and the tips of his ears were bright pink.

You felt the blush rising to your own cheeks. "Yes," you said quietly.

He looked at you, a surprised expression on his face. "Really?"

You nodded. "I think we had already established we liked each other, and I don't like you any less now. If anything, I like you more, with your beautiful features and such." You smiled slyly at him as the blush reddened his cheeks. You pulled him down by his shoulder and kissed his warm cheek.

I hope this was alright. I couldn't really think of a way for this to go, but here it be! Thank you for the suggestion. M'kay.


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