156:Chris Imagine for @chrisxchambers

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For chrisxchambers

The last class period of the day, Chris stalked passed the many classrooms, most of which had their doors closed, to keep passersby from distracting students.

One door was open. Out of all the doors to be open, it was the one to the class you were currently in, and as luck, or whatever you want to call it, may have it, your desk was at the back of the classroom, right next to the door.

You weren't paying attention to the door though. Your focus was on the drawing your were doing in your notebook. You had finished the classwork, and the teacher was one of those that talked for 10 minutes, assigned some work, and didn't care about anything after that. You had started with a little doodle in the corner of the page, but it had started to become quite the illistration, taking up a significant amount of the page.

Something about you and your drawing made Chris stop for a second. He wasn't sure why, but he suddenly wanted to know you.

The bell rang, and everyone in the classroom jumped up, packing up their books and folders, and rushing out of the classroom as the teacher hollered after them to "Have a good rest of the day."

You slowly closed your notebook, not wanting to stop, but also not wanting to be late for your bus. You grabbed your backpack up from the floor and briskly walked out of the classroom.

You quickly went to your locker, putting away the books you didn't need to take home.

"Hi," a voice beside you greeted.

You turned your head to look at the person you only passively recognized. "Um, hi there." He was about your height, with bluish-green eyes and blond hair.

"Sorry, I know this is weird, but I saw your drawing, and I thought it was really good, and I don't really know where I was going with that..." He closed his eyes, sighing. Then he opened them, looking right back at you, smiling. "I'm Chris, and I swear I'm not a creep."

You laughed. "Well, hi, Chris. I'm Annie, and thank you."

And that was the beginning of your friendship.

//Three Years Later//

You can do this, he thought. He looked at you, your head bent over your sketchbook, your dirty blonde hair loosely put up. "Hey, Annie?"

You looked up. "What's up, Chris?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Golly, how do I say this? I guess I'll just say it. Annie," deep breath, release, "I really like you. I've sort of had a crush on you since we met."

"Jeez," you mumbled. "Really? Like you're actually serious?"

He nodded, nervously, not knowing exactly if your reaction was positive or negative.

You practically tackled him in a hug. "My gosh!" You let go of him, slightly embarrassed by your outburst. "I like you too."


"Yes, really. We're not about to go back and forth about this."

"So... uh, what now?"

You shrugged, grabbing your sketchbook and pencil and curling back up to draw. "I think you're supposed to ask me out on a date or something."

"Oh okay," he nodded, thinking for a few seconds. "You wanna go to see a movie later?"


And that was the beginning of your relationship.

Yo, I really hope you liked it!! Thank you for requesting! Love you Chris!
By the way guys, I just wanna take a second to thank all of you guys that read and vote and comment. You guys are what make this book. I appreciate it so so much! M'kay.


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