67: Chris Imagine for @loving80sss

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For loving80sss

"Just tell him, Ang," your friend insisted.

"How? Just walk up to him and say 'Oh hey, Chris! How's your day been? By the way, I've been in love with you for the past five years'?" You looked at your friend expectantly. "No."

"You know what I meant, Angelina," she replied, giving you a slightly annoyed look. "Just ask him or something."

You looked over at Chris Chambers, the boy you had had a crush on for so long, across the school yard. "I don't know..."

Your friend shoved you. "Go."

You hesitantly began walking over to him, looking back at your friend every now and then.

Chris was sitting on the ground, tossing an orange and catching it.

You walked up next to him and sat down beside him. "Hi." You gave him an awkward smile.

He caught the orange again and looked over at you. He smiled when he saw you. "Hey, Angelina. What's up?"

"Oh nothing, I just thought I'd come talk to you," you mumbled.

"Oh, right, right... So uh, what did you wanna talk about?" he asked.

"Nothing specific.. Well, actually that's a lie... I- well," you started. You took a breath and continued. "I know someone likes you, and she wanted to know who you like." You spoke slowly and surely.

He blushed slightly and looked down at the orange still in his hands. "Oh. Well, if the girl isn't you, tell her I'm sorry."

You opened your mouth to say something but stopped once his words sunk in. Your eyes widened. "What? You- you like me?"

His face was now a deep crimson color. "Yeah, I've liked you since about 3rd grade."

This time you blushed and smiled. "Same here."


You nodded. "Yeah."

He leaned closer to you. "Do you mind..?"

You shook your head, and he leaned closer until his lips met yours in an unexperienced, light kiss. You both were smiling into it and still when you had separated from each other.

"I think you should come talk to me more often, Ang," he laughed.

You nodded, smiling too. "Yeah. Me too."

I hope you like it! Thank you for requesting! It really means a lot. M'kay.


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