14:Vern Imagine

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You were never too excited about Valentine's Day, but your friends were suckers for the so-called 'holiday.' The local rollerskating rink was doing a Valentine's Day special where it cost half the usual price to get in.

A you had nothing better to do, you gaged along with your giggly group of friends to the rink. Sadly, you were hopeless at skating, but you powered through, shuffling and slipping around the rink.

You had just started to get your balance alright wen you lost control and toppled over onto someone.

"I am so sorry!" you apologized whilst struggling to get off of the person.

"No, it's my fault. I'm no good at skating," the person, a rather chubby boy, replied. You recognized him as you finally managed to get to your feet. It was Vern Tessio.

"No, really. It's my fault," you insisted. "Skating is not my forté." You both laughed. "This may sound a little weird, but would you like to skate with me? I can't keep up with my friends."

Vern smiled real big. "Yeah. That sounds good. Sincerely."

You two linked arms and stumbled your way around the rink. Anytime one of you fell, which was often, you both ended up sprawled on the floor.

Once you two were thoroughly bruised and out of breath from laughing so much, you sat down and got a pizza.

"So, Y/N, with today being Valentine's Day and all," he started, "well... Do you have a boyfriend?"

You blushed at the question and shook your head. "No, I don't. Do you have a girlfriend? Or even a Valentine?"

Vern laughed. "Oh yeah. I definitely have a girlfriend," he replied sarcastically.

"What's so funny about you having a girlfriend?" you asked, curiously.

"Well, I'm not exactly at the top of any girls' list. Who'd wanna be my girlfriend?" he mumbled, staring down at his slice of pizza.

Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out "I would." Yours and Vern's eyes both widened. "I mean... Well, I guess..." You were rather embarrassed by your statement, but it was true. After this evening you'd spent with Vern, you had developed quite the crush on him.

"Sincerely?" he asked in disbelief.

You smiled shyly. "Yeah," you admitted.

"Does that mean... Well, are we..?" He looked at you in hopeful confusion.

"I suppose, but only if you want to..." you trailed off.

He sat there for a moment before smiling and moving to your side of the table. He kissed you on the cheek. "I guess we are."

I went rollerskating today(and I didn't fall on my butt), and I figured it'd make a cute imagine. And Vern is such a cutie, I figured he'd be best for it. And yes, those are my feet in the picture which is probably the closest I will ever get to using a picture of myself.

I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. If you didn't, I'm sorry. Just remember that Valentine's Day is just a silly excuse for people to spend money in (usually) pointless gifts. I just wanna say I love y'all. Thanks for the great reception of this book. It means the world. M'kay.


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