104:Chris Imagine for @chrisxchambers

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For chrisxchambers

Your stomach was steeled. It was disgusting yet so, so sad. You told yourself you wouldn't throw up because 1) you were better than that and 2) you felt like it would be disrespectful to this kid that had lost his life.

Instead, you turned around. Teddy and Vern had wondered around the embankment to find sticks, while Chris sat next to a sobbing Gordie, comforting him. You decided not to bother them, so you went to help Vern and Teddy.

You stood up from picking up a couple sticks and spun around to find yourself face to face with your blue eyed friend. He looked tired, and he had reason to be. You wanted to hug him but refrained because you didn't want anything to be awkward.

"Annie," he started, "I have something to tell you." He didn't look nervous. Neither of you were ever nervous around each other, it's just how you both were with one another. "This is probably the worst time, but I wanna tell you beore I lose my nerve." He let out a breath he had probably been hokding for a while. "Well, I like you, Annie, and I was kinda thinking that if you like me too, we could maybe go out."

You cocked an eyebrow. "Like on a date?"

"Like an honest-to-God real date." He looked at you, hopefully. "We don't have to talk about going steady any time soon or anything, but I'd like a chance."

You smiled. "Of course I'll go out with you." You nudged him on the arm, a joking smirk on your face. "But you find confidence in the worst situations."

"Well, if it isn't my little brother."

You two turned to see that trouble had come in the form of assholes with short-tempers. You looked around to your friends, one (who's name need not be mentioned) of which was quivering in his shoes. You stood a little taller and held a poker face against the jerks. With your friends, and especially Chris, by your side, you knew you could handle the worst they had to offer.

Oh dear this is probably awful and so utterly late! I'm sorry! I've been trying to work on these I swear. I am really motivated to write lately so I should be at least working on the many requests that I suddenly have. Does anyone else ever find where someone commented on your story quite some time ago and you just now find it?? Bc that's happened to me a couple times now. Whatever, probably just me missing them in the notifications. M'kay.


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