128:Gordie/Chris Imagine for @AhtziriNavarro5

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For AhtziriNavarro5


You turned to see your friend, Gordie, running up to you. "Gordie, hey!"

He caught up to you, smiling. "You headed to the treehouse?"

You nodded. "Yeah."

"Oh, well, I'll walk with you."

You two walked together, messing around along the way. Every now and then, you'd bump into him or he'd bump into you. Other times, you'd go back and forth poking each other. By the time you guys got to the treehouse, you were both in fits of giggles.

You guys climbed into the treehouse still laughing.

"What're you two laughing about?" Teddy asked.

You and Gordie looked at each other, shrugging. "Nothing," you both answer together.

The whole group of you started playing cards until you and Chris both decided you two didn't want to play anymore. You two laid back and watched the other guys play.

You leaned up against Chris and ended up falling asleep. When you woke up, the guys were looking at you. "What? Did I miss something?"

"No, but I think we did," Vern joked, making Teddy cackle.

You sat up straight, suddenly very awake. "What do you mean?"

"He means," Teddy laughed, "that you like Chris." Again, he laughed, along with Vern. Chris and Gordie exchanged uncomfortable glances.

You, having just woken up and being very confused. "What? You guys make no sense."

"You don't fall asleep on people you don't like," Vern pointed out.

"You do if you're friends," you shot back without much thought.

"Ooh, friend zoned!" Teddy hollered, this time, Gordie joining in with the laughing, though hesitantly.

You looked over at Chris, who was blushing slightly. "Oh my- That sounded bad. We are friends!"

"It's okay, Ahtziri," Chris laughed.

"Well, then who do you like?"

As if instinct, you looked directly at Gordie. You quickly looked around at the boys, all waiting. "What makes you think I like anyone?"

Teddy smirked. "I bet I know who you like."

"I bet you don't."

"I bet it's Gordie."

Dead silence. One second. Two. Three.

"I knew it!" Teddy exclaimed, jumping up.

All the boys, except for Gordie, started yelling all at once.


"Of course she likes Gordie!"

"Ahtziri and Gordie! Ahtziri and Gordie!" one of them sang. Then all three started in.

"Stop it!" Gordie shouted at them. "All of you, get out. I wanna talk to her. Alone."

The other three boys complained a little but climbed out nonetheless.

"You like me?" he asked, not really looking at you.

"Yeah," you replied, fiddling your fingers together. "I'm sorry if this is awkward for you or anything."

"No," he started, looking at you this time. "Actually, it's a relief. I was starting to think you actually liked Chris."

You blushed a little. "So you like me too?"

"Well, yeah."

I'm sorry this probably sucks and the story line is off. Thank you for requesting and if you'd like another one, I will gladly write you another one if this one sucked too bad. M'kay.


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