70: Gordie Imagine part 2 for @-jetblacktrotta

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For -jetblacktrotta (aka Daddy G)

"Ooo, there she is, Gordo," Chris teased.

You were across the playground, but you could still kind of hear them. You discreetly looked away a little but kept your ears open for their conversation and glancing over every now and then.

Gordie's cheeks turned red, but he kept his composure. "Whatever."

"I don't know, Gordie," Teddy started, his crazy smile on his face, "I really think she might like you. I mean, maybe she's into younger guys." He cackled, and Chris laughed along with him.

Gordie just rolled his eyes.

"Who? Who're you guys talking about?" Vern asked, clearly confused. He was the only one Gordie hadn't told about his crush on you, for obvious reasons being that you were Vern's older sister.

"No one," Gordie said. He looked in your direction.

You caught eye contact with him and smiled. He shyly smiled back and gave you a small wave.

You wanted to go over and talk to him, but you knew Vern would be weirded out.

Finally it was time to go back in, but you had thought up a plan to talk to Gordie without anyone else. You watched Gordie walk to his classroom, so you knew which one he was in, and then you headed to your class.

A few minutes into class, you asked to use the restroom.

"Yes, you may, but be quick," your teacher warned.

You nodded and left the room quickly. You made your way back to Gordie's class and knocked on the door.

The teacher opened the door with a questioning look. "Yes?"

"Um, they asked for Gordie in the office, ma'am," you lied. You found Gordie in the class and gave him a small smile.

"Gordie, you're needed in the office," his teacher relayed. "Go quickly, please."

Gordie got up and walked out the door to you. "Yes ma'am." When the door shut, and you two were walking, he spoke up again. "I don't really need to be in the office, do I?"

You smiled at him. "Nah. I just wanted to get you outta class. Come on." You took him to an unused classroom and made sure to close and lock the door behind you.

He looked at you, curiously. "So why'd you want me?"

You trued to hide the blush forming on your cheeks. "I'm not too sure, to be completely honest, but I kinda like you, Gordie. You're cute."

His cheeks were crimson now too. "I am? I like you, too, but a lot. I don't know what it is about you that makes me like you so much."

You sat down in the middle of the empty classroom. "I guess it's something like the reason I like you. And don't get me wrong, I do like you a whole lot. I just don't like to put that all out there, if I'm not entirely certain."

"Certain about what?" he asked, sitting down next to you. He cocked his head to the side slightly.

"Certain about you feel," you replied.

He gave you a small smile before leaning forward and pecking you on the lips. "You wanna go walk around and see how long it takes before we get caught?"

"Yeah sure." You got up and looked out the window in the door to see if you could see anyone. "Come on."

You two walked down the hall and down to another, somehow keeping out of sight of any teachers or principals. As you two walked down the 7th grade hallway, Gordie grabbed your hand.

You looked down at your interlocked hands and smiled to yourself. It just felt so natural for his hand to be in yours.

You two made it all around the school, ducking into bathrooms and closets when a teacher came around a corner. You hardly talked to each other, but the silence was necessary and comfortable.

Finally, you two snuck into the school library and hid in one of the back aisles. You sat opposite of each other.

"I had fun doing this," Gordie finally said after a long silence. He was smiling, and it made your heart flutter to think that his smile was for you.

You smiled back because how could you not? "I did too, Gordie. I'm just glad we didn't get in trouble."

He laughed quietly. "Yeah. That'd be bad. It's crazy to think we pulled it off though."

"I know," you agreed. "I'm sure our teachers are wondering where we are."

He shrugged. "Who cares. I'd rather get in trouble for being with you than be bored out of my mind sitting in that class."

You blushed. "Really?"

"Well, yeah. I was serious when I said I really like you, Bella," he replied earnestly.

Your blush became deeper, if that was even possible. "I was serious too, and trust me, you're worth detention."

His cheeks went pink this time.

Just then, you two heard a throat clear. You both looked up at the same time, and there was the librarian, looking quite smug.

"Is he really worth it?" she asked, still smiling.

You looked at Gordie, whose eyes were wide, and nodded your head slowly, as you processed what all had just happened, not only in the past seconds, but the past hour. "He really is." You looked up at the librarian.

Her smile softened to a sweet one. "Alright. I'll let you both off this time, but don't get caught again, you hear?" She looked at both of you before walking back to her desk as if nothing had just happened.

Gordie was smiling. "She said don't get caught again. I think we should make this a thing for us."

You nodded, smiling back. "I agree."

Good gosh this was sooooo late and I'm sooo sorry like idek what's up w me. I guess bc school's started for me and ijdk. Thank you for requesting, G!

I'll try to update again soon and try to establish an update schedule, like when I have free time. Whatever. M'kay.


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