127:Chris Imagine for @jaytherocker

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For jaytherocker
(Y/f/n= your friend's name)

"This is where we learn things about each other," Y/f/n said, a sly smile on her face as she spun the bottle in the middle of the circle of young people.

Teddy cocked an eyebrow. "And how is that?"

Another girl in the group giggled, Agatha, you were pretty sure her name was. "She means we'll find out who likes each other." A few faces went pink.

You glanced at Chris, the cute blond semi-across from you. He didn't seem the blushing type, or at least, he tried to come off that way. You could see a reddish blush spreading around from the back of his neck.

It had started. Teddy and another girl in the group, Cecelia, kissed, and you were pretty sure there was something there (😉😉). A boy called Gordie and Y/f/n kissed. It had gone around around couple times, but you couldn't help but notice the slight jealous twinge in your chest anytime Chris had to kiss another girl in the circle. Granted, it wasn't more than a peck but still.

Then it happened. The bottle landed on you. Then Chris.

Your friend wiggled her eyebrows at you. "Ooh, Sofia, you're up again."

Your cheeks grew hot, and you hoped it wasn't noticeable. You looked over to Chris, who, to your surprise, looked a little nervous. You had seen him kiss pretty much every other girl in the circle, not to mention a couple guys just for laughs, so why was he nervous now?

You leaned forward, but as you were probably the shortest one there, he scooted forward to reach you. The second your lips connected, he leaned even closer. It was more than a peck. Heck, compared to every other kiss in this game, you two might as well have been making out.


You both jumped back from each other, your brown eyes and his blue ones locking. Like earth and ocean, connected.

Your concentration only broke when you were each jostled by your surrounding friends, sounding "oooh's" and making kissy noises.

"Someone had some fun," Gordie joked, earning laughs from the group, even from you and Chris, both of you still blushing like mad.

In a sudden burst of confidence, drawn only from your peers and the lack of supervision, you added, "Maybe we should play Spin the Bottle more often." You threw a grin at Chris, who returned the gesture. Let's just say, no one else got a kiss like you did.

Sorry I've been keeping y'all waiting! I know I need to update and I've been trying to write. Some of my updates are gonna be out of order since I'm writing them as I find inspiration. Ik ik, even w a prompt, I still need inspiration . I hope you like this! Thank you so much for requesting! And thank you to everyone who reads this. It means so much to me. M'kay.


Ps. Guess who's still not over Teddy and Cecelia?? Me. (As you could probably tell from Lia's cameo and anyone catch Aggie? Nah bc who tf remembers her right??)
And guess who's become ob-frickin-sessed with another Australian band?? Me. (I need help honestly. It's all the Wiggles' fault. They started this.)

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