147:Gordie Imagine for @80strxshcan

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For 80strxshcan
Based on the song "I'm So Young" by The Students

"You don't know what you want; you're just teenagers."

"This won't last. It's only a matter of time before you two split."

"You're absolutely crazy if you think we'd let you get married."

"You're too young!"

Those were the reactions you and Gordie received from your parents when you announced your wishes to get married.

You exchanged a determined look with Gordie. "No. We want to get married."

"You can't be serious," your mother exclaimed.

Gordie stood next to you. "She is. We've never been so sure of anything." You squeezed his hand for reassurance.

His father got up. "Now, Gordon, think about what you're saying. You know, your brother-"

"Dad," Gordie interrupted. "Don't talk to me about Denny. I knew him more than you ever did. We want to get married. All we want is your permission to get married."

This time, your dad, who had remained much more calm than you had imagined. "You two are still too young. Seventeen is too young to be getting married."

You let out the breath you had been holding. "Gordie?" you whispered, looking up at him.

He smiled at you. "He's right."

You nodded, trusting his choice. "Alright then. We would like your permission to be married when we are both 18. We'll be old enough then, right?" As your parents looked among themselves, you turned to Gordie again. "I need some fresh air. Let's take a walk?"

He nodded. "We'll be right back."

You two walked out to the front porch. You sat down in the porch swing; Gordie followed suit.

"You're going away soon," you reminded him as you lay your head on his shoulder.

He let out a deep breath. "Yeah... I know that."

The porch swing creaked in the silence of the moment.

"Then why are we waiting? What if you leave before we can get married? What if you meet some girl while you're studying in some other country and I never see you again? What then?" Despite your accusing inquiries, your tone remained quiet.

"That won't happen. You're the only one for me," he replied.

"And you're the only one for me, which is why I'm worried."



I'm sorry you've been waiting so long for this! I hope you like it! I had never heard of the song, so I had to look up the lyrics, but I hope it's alright. Thank you for requesting and for waiting so long! M'kay.


Stand By Me Imagines and PreferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon