173:Ace Imagine for @zoehunny

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For zoehunny

Tears threatened to spill as you told Ace everything.

You told him about your parents and how they yelled at each other and at you. You told him about how you never wanted to be home because you knew it was a matter of time before someone else was fighting. You told him about how you just couldn't take it anymore.

He listened to every word, rubbing your back in comfort.

"I just don't know what to do," you concluded, trying hard not to let the tears fall. "I could run away, but I have no where to go, and it's not like I have any money lying around to just leave and find somewhere else to stay."

"You can always stay with me," he suggested. "It's not like my folks would care."

"Oh, I couldn't ask that of you." You sniffled. "And my parents would know where I was in a heartbeat."

He pressed his lips to your forehead, something he did when you were upset. "Your family doesn't mean anything. The best thing your parents ever did was make you."

You smiled up at him. "Ace.."

"No, really," he insisted. "You're sexy," he kissed your neck, "and smart," he kissed your cheek, "and everything anyone could ask for." He placed the last kiss on your lips.

"You spoil me," you joked when he had finally detached from your mouth.

"You're worth it, babe," he whispered, his breath tickling your ear.

You had forgotten the tears that had been brimming your eyes. You forgot your horrible home. The only thing on your mind was the handsome guy right in front of you.

I know it's super short, but I hope you still like it! Thank you so much for requesting! M'kay.


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