62: Eyeball Imagine for @markosmate

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For markosmate

"No, Eyeball," you answered, for the 10th time that month.

"Aw, Jay, why not?" he asked.

You sighed. "You know why. I'm not ready for a relationship, let alone with a really good friend of mine. It might ruin our friendship."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll see you later."

Eyeball had a really big crush on you, and everyone knew it, but you just didn't feel like it was the right time. That, and you didn't want him breaking your heart. It had happened before, and you had been wary of guys in general since. Plus, you two were friends. You didn't want anything to get weird.

One day, you went to hang out with your pals, the Cobras, as they called themselves. You noticed Eyeball and Billy weren't there.

"Where's Billy and Eyeball at?" you asked Ace.

Ace rolled his eyes. "That dick's been home crying for the past couple days. He's bein' a baby if you ask me."

You looked at him confused. "Why's he upset?"

Just then, Billy's car pulled up, and he was trying to drag Eyeball out of the car. "Help maybe?" Billy said, impatiently.

You walked over to where Eyeball was sitting. "Eyeball, what's wrong?"

He looked up at you, sadness evident in his eyes. "You know exactly what's wrong."

That took you aback. He was upset about you? You didn't realize he felt that strongly for you. "Oh Eyeball... I'm sorry I did this to you. I didn't know you liked me that much." You gave him a sad smile and leaned down, so you were face-to-face with him, and you planted a kiss right on his lips.

He looked at you, surprised. "You're just doing that to make me feel better, aren't you?" he asked.

You shook your head. "No. I did that because I meant it. Please stop being sad."

He was quiet for a second before looking up at you and smiling. "Alright. But I'm taking you out this Friday, so you know, I don't feel bad then either," he justified, smirking his usual smirk.

You rolled your eyes, despite the smile on your lips.

"Ahem," one of the guys cleared his throat. You two looked.

"Now if you two are happily ever after now, could we carry on with our day without you two being mushy?" Ace asked, sarcastically.

You and Eyeball just smiled at each other.

Sorry it was kinda short and if it seems rushed. I really hope you liked it tho. M'kay.


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